Schools explore avenues to celebrate class of 2020

Geelong Lutheran College captains Dakota Stevens (speaking) and Jossiah Langton at the school's Valedictory service.
THIS year’s school graduation will look much different to 2019 as schools look for the best way to celebrate what has been a trying year for all involved.
The Victorian Government announced the easing of many COVID-19 restrictions in late October, which saw graduation ceremonies given the green light to go ahead but only students and staff allowed to attend.
Families will only be allowed to see their child’s graduation via video broadcast, which has seen schools explore different ways to approach the event. Geelong Lutheran College in Armstrong Creek recently held its valedictory dinner and final assembly. It was livestreamed to friends and family while the final assembly was also livestreamed to all students from Prep to Year 11.
Head of College Jill Lange-Mohr estimated an audience of about 1,200 tuned in and said the feedback from parents had been very
“We received such positive feedback from the parents when they arrived to collect their child after the valedictory service. It was so real for them that they felt as though they had been in the gym for the event.
“It has been such an extraordinary year. Our Year 12s have missed out on so many events and opportunities so it was non-negotiable, in our view, that this needed to go ahead; for them to virtually celebrate this milestone with their family and the college community.”
Meanwhile, Belmont High School also broadcast its valedictory dinner but will also host a more “normal” graduation next year when a traditional celebration becomes possible.
“I think a lot of the students have seen the night their siblings have had in previous years and want their night to be as special as that,” assistant principal Michael Caccamo said.
“So we’ll do something next year when we can do something a bit closer to normal. I think the students and families are appreciative of that.”