SES units in Torquay and Winchelsea need your help

THE State Emergency Service (SES) units in Torquay and Winchelsea have invited those who are interested in meeting like minded people, contributing to the community, learning new skills, and experiencing new challenges to sign up as volunteers.
Both the Torquay and Winchelsea Units are recruiting now and are keen to talk with people who want to contribute to the safety and wellbeing of their local community.
SES volunteers come from diverse ages, professions and backgrounds, but all share a common desire to contribute.
The agency operates the largest road rescue network in Australia, and supports other emergency services such as Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and CFA.
Both units are looking for volunteers in road rescue, flood and storm response, search and rescue, community education and more.
VICSES is the control agency for natural disasters such as storms, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and landslides.
The agency is looking for volunteers with ongoing, regular weekday availability for emergency callouts, and who have a sense of commitment to themselves, their fellow SES volunteers and the community.
Volunteers receive accredited training in first aid, flood and storm rescue, chainsaw operation, road rescue, four-wheel driving, media training and much, much more.
Prospective volunteers can also help in community education, social media and media liaison, fundraising, administration and other rewarding support roles.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a VICSES volunteer, come along to either of the information sessions on Wednesday May 8 at 7pm at 130 Messmate Road, Torquay (RSVP to 0418 522 634 or [email protected]. or at 325 Mousley Drive, Winchelsea (RSVP to 0487 372 867 or [email protected]. People can also fill out the volunteering enquiry form online by heading to the website at