Shire extends its hand via digital tool

The Surf Coast Shire's new webpage provides details on food relief, housing and accommodation. People can also phone the council for more information on supports.
SURF Coast Shire residents who are unsure of where to access help during the coronavirus pandemic can head to an easy to use webpage that features a collection of practical resources.
The council’s new feature on its website provides details on food relief, housing and accommodation.
There are also tools, tips and information on mental and physical health, family violence, financial hardship, business support and volunteer opportunities for people looking to stay connected to their community.
Shire mayor Rose Hodge said asking for help was not a sign of weakness but of strength.
“If you need help in feeding your family, if you’re struggling mentally or if you’re experiencing domestic violence, please know that you are not alone and that help is available.
“We all go through tough times and sometimes we can’t solve problems by ourselves, but we can all share the load together.”
People who head to the page can also find the latest news releases from council on its response to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as changes to council-run services and facilities such as beaches, car parking, customer service, the tip, events and kindergartens.
Residents are also encouraged to phone the council on 5261 0600 to learn about the range of support services available to them.
“Asking for help can make you feel less stressed, reduce your sense of loneliness and prevent problems from getting bigger,” Cr Hodge said.
“Our community has never experienced anything like this before, so you should not feel ashamed if you need help. Our website is full of information and resources to support you and our officers are here to help.”
For more information, head to