
Shire shows its colours for IDAHOBIT

May 20, 2021 BY

The crowd celebrates as the rainbow flag is raised outside the Surf Coast Shire council’s Torquay North office for IDAHOBIT. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR

THE Surf Coast Shire has again celebrated the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), and officially marked the occasion by raising the rainbow flag on Monday this week.

IDAHOBIT – which this year has the theme “Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing!” – is a worldwide celebration of diversity and inclusion that seeks to break the silence against discrimination.
About 60 people attended the raising of the rainbow flag outside the council’s offices in Torquay North. Long-time Surf Coast Shire staffer Andrew Hayes spoke at the event, and said he appreciated the council giving him the opportunity.

“For more personally, not being able to see family, friends or co-workers for almost a year was exceptionally hard during the pandemic, and being able to celebrate today as a big group, I think, is just fantastic compared to last year where everyone was on Zoom.

“I have been at the Surf Coast Shire for nearly 15 years, and things like today reiterate why I am so happy to work where I work.

“But times aren’t as lucky for everyone across the globe and in our global community; there is still a lot more work that needs to be done.

“Using things like today really takes a step in the right direction – everyone wants to be part of something, being here starts a conversation, and it shows your support.”

Shire staffer Andrew Hayes (left) and Surf Coast mayor Libby Stapleton just before the flag is raised. Photo: CR ADRIAN SCHONFELDER

Surf Coast mayor Libby Stapleton said raising the flag sent a clear message of support of LGBTQIA+ people to all residents and visitors to the area.

“Raising the rainbow flag at our local government offices gives us an important opportunity as a community and a council to make the statement that everyone deserves to belong,” Cr Stapleton said.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe and included at work, at home and within their community, and this gesture displays our commitment to making our part of the world a more inclusive place for all.”

Globally, IDAHOBIT has been acknowledged since 2004, bringing attention to the ongoing violence towards the LGBTIQIA+ community and celebrating the richness of diverse human experience.

May 17 is a significant date in the ongoing fight for equality. On this day in 1990, the World Health Organisation declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The day is now celebrated in more than 130 countries.

“It is my hope that by raising the flag and standing side by side with our LGBTIQIA+ friends, neighbours and colleagues we can send a clear and simple message that we celebrate people for who they are,” Cr Stapleton said.

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