
Speak up and help the hoodies

December 26, 2018 BY

Hooded plover chicks – the birds are highly vulnerable during breeding season.

PEOPLE visiting beaches this summer have been urged to help keep the hoodies safe by reporting any activity that would pose a danger to the birds.

Hooded Plovers can often be disturbed along the Bellarine Peninsula and Great Ocean Road at this time of year, and protecting their habitat is crucial to ensuring survival of the species.

Hooded Plovers are a threatened species in Victoria, and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is encouraging people visiting the coast over the next few months to report any wildlife crimes towards hooded plovers.

DELWP senior forest and wildlife officer Ian Westhorpe said breeding season for the Hooded Plovers ran until April, so people and their animals needed to keep away from nest sites at this time of year to protect the eggs and the young.

“Humans, dogs and horses need to avoid destructively impacting hooded plover habitat in our coastal areas.

“A number of people along the coast help to protect hooded plovers on their local beaches by erecting temporary fencing, signage and monitoring the sites.

“Unfortunately, some people come along and destroy these additional protection measures.

“Hooded Plovers are protected, and taking, destroying or disturbing hooded plovers, their chicks or nests is a crime, and is subject to penalties including up to $38,640 or two years’ imprisonment for taking threatened wildlife.

“Allowing your dog to chase or harass wildlife is a crime and is subject to penalties including up to $4,029.

“A confidential report to Crime Stoppers will help authorities respond to wildlife offences and help protect Victoria’s threatened species.

“When you report, you may help target an investigation or assist in building a better picture of trends over time.”

If you have information relating to people taking or destroying wildlife, phone Crime Stoppers confidentially on 1800 333 000 or head to crimestoppers.com.au.

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