SPLASHING IN Torquay SLSC training lifesavers of the future
BEACH visits are on the rise in Torquay as the tourist season seriously begins, and the Torquay Surf Life Saving Club is busy developing the lifesavers of the future with their Nippers program.
Director of junior development Scott McCardel said the club had seen a surge in numbers for the 2018/19 season.
“We have more than 400 Nippers enrolled this season, which is substantial growth for our club, and we really couldn’t do it without the help of our parent volunteers and the support of our club sponsors.”
Starting with its youngest participants (the five-year old group), the Torquay junior program is centred on developing beach and aquatic skills of Nippers in a fun and game-based environment.
The older Nippers focus on important lifesaving-based skills such as swimming, paddling and board rescue, with the opportunity to compete against other surf clubs at carnivals throughout the season.
“It’s a great way to meet other families, as one of the only kids’ sports where all ages are involved at one location,” Mr McCardel said.
“Fundamentally we are focussed on the pipeline of lifesaving development, keeping kids, teens and families engaged in the lifesaving sport, so they continue on as life savers patrolling our beaches.”
The team at Links Property has partnered with the Torquay SLSC this season to support the junior development program – a cause the sponsor is passionate about.
“We love being involved in such a great program, so important for kids from both the local area and those visiting for the summer holiday program, to learn key skills for water and beach safety,” Links Property’s Lynne Hayden said.
“Importantly, the Links team is supporting the development of future life savers to continue the essential community service the surf club provides.”
The record numbers are being driven by continued new home construction activity in Torquay and the nearby estates in Armstrong Creek.
All family members are welcome to participate in the TSLSC Summer Holiday Program, which started with
an information and welcome event on Boxing Day. For more details, head to torquayslsc.com.au/nippers.