Spoonville: the spoonful of sugar making restrictions sweeter

Have you spotted a Spoonville? The 'Spoony' characters have spread joy and ignited creativity during COVID-19. Photos: TORQUAY LINKS PROPERTY
CREATIVE members of the Surf Coast community have joined the international Spoonville craze, with villages made up of wooden spoon people popping up across Torquay and Jan Juc.
Children and adults alike have decorated wooden spoons to create ‘Spoony’ characters, and placed them in outdoor areas, creating spoon villages to spread joy in their local communities.
The idea for Spoonville originated in Winnersh, Berkshire, England as a way to cheer up the local community during COVID-19, and has spread from England to Australia and across the world.
Much like the global bear hunt, where children put teddy bears in their windows for others to spot, the Spoonville trend aims to incite creativity and community spirit in what has been an isolating time.
Even though the region has embraced the Third Step of the coronavirus roadmap, Spoonvilles can still be spotted sprouting up across Torquay and Jan Juc.
Some of the most popular Spoonvilles are located on Sunset Strip in Jan Juc, and on Horseshoe Bend Road (near The Esplanade) in Torquay.
Not only is growing a spoon village the perfect opportunity to spend time outdoors, it’s a way for kids to get creative, connect with other members of the community and ensure the Surf Coast keeps smiling.