

September 19, 2018 BY

Local players have formed a new Surf Coast Badminton Association and expanded participation options as the sport grows in popularity in the Surf Coast region. Weekly social “rock up and play” sessions are being run at Surf Coast Sport and Recreation Centre for new players in singles or doubles formats. Centre staff have also expanded options for futsal players, with a free “rock up and play” competition finishing yesterday (Wednesday, September 19), before the launch of a formal teams competition on October 17. Staff have welcomed the chance to respond to demand and foster growth in the sports, and urged new players to join up. Badminton social play is on Mondays from 1.30pm to 3pm and Wednesdays 10.30am to noon. To register interest or enter teams, head to surfcoast.vic.gov.au/badminton or surfcoast.vic.gov.au/futsal, or phone the Surf Coast Sport and Recreation Centre on 5261 4606.

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