Students get ready for Walk to School program

October 2, 2019 BY

A record 840 schools have signed on for this year’s Walk to School program.

VICTORIAN kids will ditch on-road transport and hit the pavement to either walk, ride or scoot to school this month as part of VicHealth’s Walk to School program.

Beginning on Monday, October 7, students from a record 840 schools have signed on for this year’s program, pledging to use their legs to and from school each day during this month.

VicHealth chief executive officer Dr Sandro Demaio said the Walk to School program, which is in its 14th year, had a reputation for attracting Victorian primary schools.

“In Victoria, we know many children aren’t getting the recommended hour of physical activity each day and being active on the journey to and from school is a great way for kids to get moving.

“We understand families live busy lives or aren’t able to walk the entire way to and from school, so we’re encouraging parents or carers to park the car a few blocks from school and walk the rest – they may even save time by avoiding traffic jams around schools.

“Victorian kids love being active to and from school and really look forward to taking part in the Walk to School program every year. We really want to encourage families to get on board Walk to School 2019.”

As part of this year’s program, VicHealth has partnered with the AFL Players’ Association, with Walk to School ambassador and AFL great Shaun Burgoyne joining in on the fun.

This new partnership aims to encourage more kids to build healthy lifestyle habits.

“As an AFL player, I love being active and I think it’s really important to help teach my kids simple ways to build more activity into their daily routine,” Burgoyne said.

All Victorian schools who get involved in Walk to School can win one of four personalised Australian Rules Football clinics with an AFL or AFLW player by entering the Walk to School competition.

For more information, head to

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