Submissions to draft Statement of Planning Policy extended

January 20, 2021 BY

The area inside the yellow border will be part of the Surf Coast Distinctive Area and Landscape process.

ANYONE racing to finalise their submission to the draft Surf Coast Statement of Planning Policy can slow down a little, as the deadline has been extended by a week.

Submissions about the SPP – part of the Surf Coast Distinctive Area and Landscape (DAL) process – were set to close in two days; on Friday, January 22.

However, the Surf Coast DAL website was updated yesterday (Tuesday, January 19) with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s determination that submissions be invited until 4pm on January 29.

The land covered by the Surf Coast DAL focuses on Torquay and Jan Juc and extends along the coastline from the eastern edge of the Great Otway National Park to Breamlea Flora and Fauna Reserve, but also stretches as far as Bellbrae, Freshwater Creek, and into Mount Duneed.

All submissions to the SPP are treated as public documents and will be later published online.

Following the closure of submissions, a public hearing will begin in the week of March 15 and will run for four to six weeks, generally sitting four days per week (Monday to Thursday). The hearing will be is open to the public at all times, and anyone can view the proceedings.

You will only be afforded the opportunity to speak and participate in the public hearing if you make a written submission during the submission period. You will need to indicate on the online submission form or the submission coversheet that you request to be heard and participate in the hearing process, including details on how long you seek to speak, and whether you will be represented and/or calling expert evidence in support of your submission.

For more information on the Surf Coast SPP and DAL, or to lodge a submission, head to


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