
Surf Coast group celebrate 21 years of being active

April 11, 2023 BY

From left, Cheryl Annetts (past president), Deb Fitrolakis (Life Activities Club Victoria), Alex Sy (Life Activities Club Victoria vice president), Sue Gerrevink (Life Activities Club Victoria secretary), Annelies Gerritsen (president), Ana Ryan (past president), Rose Hodge (Surf Coast Shire councillor) and Laura Connor (Life Activities Club Surf Coast co-founder. Photos: SUPPLIED

MORE than 80 members of the Life Activities Club Surf Coast celebrated the club’s 21st anniversary, toasting more than two decades of retired and semi-retired locals being socially and physically active in the community.

Founded by Dr Anne Stephenson and Laura Connor, Life Activities Club Surf Coast facilitates groups including walking , resistance training, table tennis, knitting, scrabble and cinema groups to keep members engaged in activities.

The event was attended by 80 people from around the Surf Coast.


Life Activities Club Surf Coast president Annelies Gerritsen said the team was thrilled to toast 21 years of keeping people moving at Torquay Bowls Club late last month.


Life member Peter Sweeten talking to the group at the 21st year celebrations.


“The group has just grown and grown… we now have 380 members and we are all doing really well,” Mrs Gerritsen said.

“It all started when Dr Anne started to get many patients who were lonely and depressed and she thought the group could be a great way of getting them socially and physically active.

“We have activities for everyone including those who can’t be physically active like cinema groups, lunch groups and more.

“To have 80 people at our anniversary event was just fantastic… we even had Rose Hodge attend who represented the Council and our co-founder Laura Connor who spoke about the history of the group.”

The group meet several times a week for activities that allow them to be physically and socially active.


Mrs Gerritsen said the group continue to be humbled by the support of all local people, however currently aren’t seeking any new members due to ongoing demand.

For more, head to www.lifesurfcoast.org.au/home/

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