Tornadoes gear up for NAIDOC Week
TORQUAY Community Enterprise (TCE) has helped the Torquay Tornadoes Hockey Club recognise NAIDOC Week.
Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Corrina Eccles conducted a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony at the event, held at the proposed location for a multi-use synthetic facility in Torquay North.
The July 10 event also celebrated a new Indigenous strip for the Tornadoes designed by BJ O’Toole.
“Handprints symbolise identity of all, the connection and the togetherness of players circled to represent a team or a club – it takes many hands to provide opportunities for all to play,” Mr O’Toole said.
“The U shape in the middle is traditionally used to represent people, males with a spear and a boomerang and women with a digging stick and coolomon, the strength of men and women in an inclusive club where all genders are welcome.
“The big U shape represents the hockey club itself as one big family: all players, sponsors, volunteers, community, parents and everyone involved in the club.
“Wadawurrung Country is the home of the Torquay Tornadoes, a place of saltwater and freshwater creeks. The deep orange symbolises the coastal cliffs that line our coastline here in Wadawurrung Country.”
Later the same day, the Torquay Tornadoes wore the strip in both the women’s and men’s games and provided an Acknowledgement to Country before the games.
“It was a magical day having the support of Coreena Eccles and BJ O’Toole,” Torquay Tornadoes equity and diversity lead Emily Matthews said.
“We are so inspired by the new outfit and it is great to see our club members proudly wearing it.
“We really appreciate the support of Torquay Community Enterprise to help the day’s celebration take place.
“We would also like to thank the Surf Coast Shire for the original small grant that helped facilitate the design of the new Indigenous shirt.”
TCE and the Tornadoes and look forward to working with the Waddawurrung Traditional Owners moving forward.