Time to think of your fire as collection season opens

March 7, 2018 BY

A trailer load of firewood.

LOCAL firewood collectors are hitting the road to the hinterland with the opening of the Autumn firewood collection season for 2018.

The collection season is open until June 30.

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) senior forest officer Simon White said it would be legal to collect firewood from designated areas on public land across Victoria until June 30.

He said more information and updates, including interactive maps showing designated collection areas were available at ffm.vic.gov.au/firewood or by phoning 136 186.

“DELWP and Parks Victoria staff will be patrolling parks, forests and reserves to make sure people are doing the right thing while collecting their firewood.

“It’s important that people only collect firewood from designated collection areas in state forests or parks where collection is allowed, and to stay within collection limits.

“This includes taking a maximum of two cubic metres per person per day and a maximum of 16 cubic metres per household per financial year. This is to prevent households stockpiling large volumes of firewood from public land and denying others a supply.”

Mr White said the felling of any trees for firewood by members of the public was strictly prohibited.

“Some firewood collection areas may be part of the autumn planned burning program, so it’s important that you check where burns are happening as affected firewood collection areas may be closed at short notice. Go to ffm.vicvic.gov.au/plannedburn, download the VicEmergency app or call 1800 226 226.”

Under the Forest Act 1958, people who collect firewood outside designated firewood collection areas or a firewood collection season or take more than the maximum allowable amounts can face an infringement notice of $634, or a maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment or a fine of up to $7,928 or both, if the matter proceeded to court.

Any information the community may have about the illegal removal of firewood for sale can be reported to DELWP on 136 186.

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