Torquay students jump at chance to help young roos

December 24, 2020 BY

Torquay P-6 College students got the chance to visit Jirrahlinga Koala and Wildlife Sanctuary. Photo: SUPPLIED.

TORQUAY students have hit the sewing machines to help make a difference for injured joeys recovering from last summer’s bushfire season.

During term four students at Torquay P-6 College took part in a wellbeing lunchtime program which aimed to help students ease back into conventional education after months of remote learning.

The program was designed to help the students build connections while they worked towards creating ‘joey pouches’ for rescued wildlife at Jirrahlinga Koala and Wildlife Sanctuary.

Following the devastating bushfires during the start of the year, many native animals became displaced and injured including several joeys now recovering in Barwon Heads.

Student wellbeing worker Deborah Russell has been teaching the children basic sewing skills over the term and says it is rewarding to see how much the students have enjoyed the program.

“It is really pleasing, but it is about the opportunity to further develop social and emotional skills while creating something that can help injured wildlife,” she said.

“We have focused on assisting students in developing the skills of care-giving where they have the opportunity to support not only each other but also the wider community.”

To celebrate the end of the 10-week program, students had the opportunity to meet the joeys at Jirrahlinga and donate their creations in person, seeing first-hand how they will be utilised.

The program received donations from Adairs who provided material for the students to transform into a new home for recovering Joeys.

Ms Russell said the students benefited from the security at lunchtimes and the sense of achievement that helped to build friendships.

The program also enabled students to learn more about native animals and the threats they face in our current climate.

For those interested in supporting local wildlife head to

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