Torquay Theatre Troupe stalwart steps down at AGM

After more than 20 years with the Torquay Theatre Troupe, vice-president, program co-ordinator, and pivotal troupe member Gay Bell is stepping away as she prepares to pursue new endeavours outside of the company.
TWO decades with the Torquay Theatre Troupe has come to an end for an influential figure following the incorporation’s most recent annual general meeting.
At the AGM, held on Monday last week, vice president, program co-ordinator and former president Gay Bell, announced her departure from her local theatre “family” after 20 years.
Ms Bell said while she was sad to leave, she was excited for newer and younger voices to push the troupe forward in future years.
“I’m not able to put as much energy into the troupe as I’d like to any more, and for the troupe to continue into the future we have to get younger members to join, that also means getting younger members onto the committee.
“It’s just a fabulous group to be a part of, I’ve often referred to it as a family, and I’ve always loved the theatre, going to theatre.
“But before joining the troupe, I had never been involved in the making of theatre, so after joining, I learnt new skills and I gained the confidence to try new things thanks to the troupe, and for that I’m eternally grateful to this group.”
Torquay Theatre Troupe president Zina Carman spoke of Ms Bell’s dedication after she expressed her intent to retire from the troupe at the end of 2022.
Ms Bell then stayed on with the troupe for more than a year longer at Ms Carmen’s request, following her appointment to president at last year’s AGM.
“She was an invaluable help to me over the past year and I shall miss having her wise council by my side,” Ms Carman said.
Ms Bell still remembers her first encounter with Torquay Theatre Troupe in 2004, viewing a production named Last Tango in Torquay back when the community group was still based at the Torquay Senior Citizens Centre.
Ms Bell said she was impressed with the group, which was only a couple of years old at the time. She joined the company shortly after watching the play and was immediately appointed stage manager.
Ms Bell says Michael Baker, former president Maryanne Doolan, and new program coordinator Fred Preston were instrumental in solidifying her love of theatre production.

Ms Bell managed her first one-act plays Logeys and No Chocolates by Request after joining, before going on to direct her first play in 2008, the first of 14 productions during her tenure at the Torquay Theatre Troupe.
“I was counting the other day and I worked out I had been in 49 productions, whether it be directing, stage management, props, publicity, producing, prompting, and front of house – 49 productions all up – I have only missed two productions held by the troupe in my time here,” Ms Bell said.
“The technical side of theatre has definitely changed the most in my time at the troupe, we’ve always put up good sets, but once we gained access to this space here at the Multi Arts Centre in March, 2021, it opened up a lot of options for us.
“I couldn’t recommend joining a theatre company enough, I’ll certainly keep an eye on the troupe even though I’m stepping away.”
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