
Waiting season begins for best big wave surfers

June 6, 2023 BY

The opening ceremony returned for the first time since 2019. Photos: BRETT/JUC MEDIA

MORE than 80 members of the surf fraternity turned out to Bells Beach/Djarrak over the weekend for the opening ceremony of the Bells Beach 50 Year Storm surfing event in memory of local legend Shaun Brooks.

The opening ceremony for the event returned for the first time since 2019 on Saturday, bringing together local surfers (including those competing), community members and businesses who are supporting the event.

Festivities kicked off with a welcome to country and smoking ceremony from Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Corinna Eccles and Anthony Hume, and was followed by the introduction of the both the event invitees and alternates.

A welcome to country and smoking ceremony kicked off the opening ceremony.


A total of 40 surfers were invited to be part of the event.


Those in attendance also heard from Shaun’s father Rod Brooks who spoke about the significance of the event and gathering of the local surf community.

A wooden replica of one of Shaun’s surfboards was also unveiled by invitee Jeff Sweeney as the trophy for this year’s Bells Beach 50 Year Storm winner.

Rod Brooks (father of Shaun) chatting at the event.


Jeff Sweeney speaks about the surfboard replica trophy he has made for the winner.



Event committee member Andrew Flitton said it was incredible occasion to come together and celebrate the competitors, the local surfing scene and Shaun’s life.

“We had a really fantastic day and were stoked to see so many of the invitees, alternates and members of the surf community come down to soak it all up.

“It was epic having Shaun’s father Rod there to chat about the event… Jeff (Sweeney) was fantastic and to have Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Corrina and Humey (Anthony Hume) there as well was very special.

“Feed Me also did a great job with the catering and we were humbled to be joined by representatives from One in Five, headspace and Ocean Mind who are our event beneficiaries for 2023.

“A huge thanks to everyone who turned out and hopefully we see everyone soon for the next swell when we can run the event.”

Surfers shared a party wave in honour of Shaun Brooks.


The winners trophy shaped by Jeff Sweeney.


The opening ceremony concluded with a party wave between all the surfers, a symbolic act to pay respect to Shaun and his surfing legacy.

The Bells Beach 50 Year Storm waiting period is now underway and competition can run any day from now until July 31.

For more information, head to @bellsbeach50yearstorm on Instagram.

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