Wallington Primary has strong tradition

The addition of a new multi- purpose room, arts centre and kitchen facility has provided Wallington Primary School with a space that is open and flexible and can be used by classes for a wide range of learning activities.
Wallington is a small school situated in a rural setting. The school provides a focal point for the local community and we enjoy a wide range of community participation at the school.
There has been a school on the site since 1868 so we have a long tradition of community involvement. The school comprises of a modern main administration area and classrooms.
The addition of a new multi-purpose room, arts centre and kitchen facility has provided the school with a space that is open and flexible and can be used by classes for a wide range of learning activities.
The playground is spacious and provides our students with various areas to stimulate their imaginations in a
safe environment. Incorporated in the playground is a passive area where children who want a quiet area to play can go.
The school also has a large oval that is used for sporting events such as cross country, Friday sport, and a range of other activities.
Priorities of the school are:
- High expectations of all students
- Strong literacy and numeracy skills
- Early intervention programs in reading and mathematics, when needed, to give students the best possible chance of succeeding in their education
- Healthy eating habits
- Focus on the environment
- Leadership development
- Incorporation of information and communication technology in the everyday program
- Extra curricula activities such as instrumental music, debating, camping program to name a few.