Well-earned retirement at 82

Geoff Marshall, left, pictured with the sales team Angelean Milner, Andrew Harrison, Louise Dobbins, Michael Mangos and Tom Kenworthy, is looking forward to a welldeserved retirement.
AT 82 years of age and after 17 years of employment, Geoff Marshall has officially retired from his role of sales consultant at Mercedes Benz Geelong.
Geoff has been a dedicated employee of Mercedes-Benz Geelong since he commenced his employment in 2003 and is ready to return to his original role as client rather than employee.
Geoff was originally from Casterton and is the youngest of 13 children, nine girls and four boys, and he and his wife Beris moved to Geelong in 1997.
He had officially retired from his role of export manager at Kraft where he was based in London and Dubai, after a 30-year career with the company, and he went to purchase a vehicle from the local dealership, then known as Geelong City Motors, and transitioned from client to employee under previous owner David Alexander.
He didn’t know a lot about cars, but his strong business background, passion and enthusiasm was an asset.
Always immaculately dressed, Geoff was always the first in each day and last to leave, and his reluctance to slow down has left his younger colleagues amazed at his stamina.
Geoff initially thought he might continue working for three to four years, however he liked it so much that it has taken 18 years for him to finally put his feet up.

He said he believes many people retire too early and often are left wondering how to fill their days.
Geoff has seen many changes over the years and has enjoyed getting to know his customers, many who have become his close friends, and that close bond with clients has been the highlight of his career at Mercedes-Benz Geelong.
The fitness fanatic and passionate Cats supporter has made a lasting impression on Mercedes-Benz Geelong and its staff,
and he will be greatly missed.
Dealer principal Tony Jennett thanked Geoff for his many years of dedication.
“Geoff has been an integral part of the team and we really appreciate all his hard work over the years,” Tony said.
“We wish him the best of luck in his retirement”.
Geoff and Beris are now looking forward to enjoying some well-earned time together.
For further information about Mercedes-Benz Geelong visit mbgeelong.com.au, email [email protected], call 5249 8200 or find them on Facebook @mbgeelong or Instagram @MercedesBenzGeelong.