Wildlife rescuers thank local support for recognition

The dedicated team at Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics with the award. Back: Dr Katherine Daley, Julia Earle, Dr Kate Gittings, Zoe Chiovitti, Dr Meredith McDonald, Vanessa Sciarrone, and Danielle Pietsch. Front: Grace Cotter, Dr Luci Foott, and Mia Saffioti. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE team at Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue are grateful for the support they have received in 2023, following its recognition at the 2023 Rotary Torquay Business Excellence Awards.
Founder and leader of Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue Jason Cichocki and his team of volunteers were named the inaugural Volunteer Organisation or Individual of the Year in late-October at the annual rotary awards in Torquay.
“It was important that we received this award as a group, because it is a group of people that puts in the effort every day,” Mr Cichocki said.
“The main reason we do this stuff is to help the local animals around the region, but it’s also about providing that point of contact for the community to reach out to, so we can attend callouts as soon as possible.”
Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue responded to over 1,000 calls in 2023, responding to displaced wildlife, animals hit by vehicles, and relocation and rehabilitation of local fauna.

Rotary Torquay included the Volunteer Organisation or Individual of the Year Award at the annual awards night for the first time this year.
Mr Cichocki said his network of wildlife rescuers throughout the Surf Coast, Bellarine, Golden Plains, Greater Geelong and the Colac Otway Shire has more than doubled in the past two years.
The team at Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics are also an integral part of Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue network.
“There are many links in the chain that leads to an injured animal receiving the help it needs and one of the most important links in this chain is the team at the Torquay & Surfcoast Veterinary Clinic,” Mr Cichocki said.
“Owner Dr Kate Gittings and her team have worked closely with us at Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue for many years and we have helped many animals together over these years.
“Kate has always helped us help the wildlife of this region for free at her own cost.
“So this award is recognition for what we at Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue have all done and the team at Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics.”
To contact Surfcoast Wildlife Rescue regarding an emergency, phone 0422 048 557.