
Wind farm causing a flap for some

July 4, 2018 BY

THE Surf Coast Shire says there is not much it can do about concerns from some in the community about the proposed wind farm near Inverleigh, as it is not the responsible planning authority.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning will consider the wind farm proposal to be built alongside Mount Pollock, as part of a larger complex that will also include a solar energy plant.

The shire would normally be the planning authority for the solar farm, but in May, councillors resolved to ask Planning Minister Richard Wynne to consider both applications together to avoid risk of confusion in the community and potentially costly duplication of processes.

DELWP has not yet started external consultation on the wind farm proposal as it has requested further information from the proponent, and the shire has not yet received details on the proposal.

Despite this, public question time at last month’s council meeting was dominated by the wind farm, with eight questions coming from the audience – most from Gnarwarre landowners whose homes are close to where wind turbines would be located – and asking for the shire’s position on topics such as infrasound and shadow flicker, the route of the transmission line and the effect on property values.

According to the National Health and Medical Research Council, “there is currently no consistent evidence that wind farms cause adverse health effects in humans”.

In a series of broadly similar answers, general manager for environment and development Ransce Salan said the council would be making a submission through the planning process and anyone with concerns should do the same.

“Council’s submission to the planning process will consider environmental and amenity impacts on the broader community,” he also said.

“Council has not seen a final plan at this stage, making it hard to determine what the impacts may be.

Council will also need to consider its position on renewable energy and any other planning or legal matters that may relate to the proposed development. Subject matter experts within Surf Coast Shire will provide input into Council’s submission.”

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