
Winter Classic to support family in need

July 9, 2023 BY

From left, professional surfer Bea Conroy, past president John Lane, current president Penny Andrews and professional surfer Ben Considine. Photos: NATHAN RIVALLAND

SURF Coast Longboarders Club is bringing the surf fraternity together later this month to host a 2023 Winter Classic surfing event and auction night.

The all-ages event will be held at Torquay Point on July 29 and Point Impossible Beach on July 30 and be followed by a charity auction night at the Torquay Angling Club, with all proceeds supporting a Surf Coast family currently dealing with a medical crisis.

The surfing action will be held at Torquay Point and Point Impossible Beach.


Surf Coast Longboarders Club president Penny Andrews said the event would encourage locals to dig deep in and out of the water.

“We are really looking forward to it.

“This year we are supporting a local family who is associated with the club and in need of help.

“We hope the family can benefit from our support.

“It’s been an about ten years of doing the Winter Classic and we continue to be proud of what it’s become.”

From left, Ben Considine, John Lane, Penny Andrews and Bea Conroy.


Mrs Andrews said the club have begun approaching sponsors for the event and are on the lookout for more to jump on board.

“If anyone wants to jump forward we are all ears.

“Any items we can attract will be wonderful.

“Whether it’s tyres for a car or clothing – it doesn’t have to be surf related.

“It’s always been supported incredibly well and we’ve been able to raise significant amounts in the past because of it.”

Since its inception, the Winter Classic has raised more than $8,000 for families and other community groups around the area. The Trevor Barker Foundation, Torquay Marine Rescue, Torquay CFA, Torquay SES, Torquay Food Aid, and families battling illness or tragedy have all been past recipients.

For more, visit instagram.com/surfcoastlongboarders3228/

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