Navigating the sale of your property during the coronavirus

April 23, 2020 BY


I understand that during times such as these you may have many questions about the Surf Coast property real estate market, the impact on your home, along with how to sell, buy, manage or rent during this time.
I have compiled the following selling real estate during the coronavirus FAQ’s.
Of course, I am (along with all my colleagues at Hayden Real Estate) are still contactable via phone, email and social media to help with any further questions.
At Hayden Real Estate, it’s business as unusual, although it’s still business.

Is it still possible to sell my property during the coronavirus?
Yes, it is. You can still buy and sell a property during the coronavirus period. In fact, right across the Surf Coast we are seeing many committed buyers keen to buy a property immediately.

Is it the right time to sell my property or should I wait until after the coronavirus?
Every seller has a different motivation for selling so there is no one size fits all answer to this question. We have options to sell immediately and options to sell at a later date if required.
It is important to communicate directly with myself as I am living and breathing the local Torquay and Jan Juc real estate market and can discuss your specific property needs.

How can buyers inspect my property?
Open homes will be organised by one-on one private appointment only. To arrange this, buyers will contact myself and book in a private viewing.
Additionally, to help buyers in isolation, our agents can livestream inspections or prepare a video walkthrough if not done so and available already, so prospective buyers can inspect from the safety of their own home.
(Please note, we at Hayden Real Estate are complying with all government social distancing and hygiene regulations during inspections).

How can I sell my property via auction?
At Hayden Real Estate, we have moved all our auctions where applicable across to our online auction platform(s) so they can proceed as normal.
This easy to use platform offers buyers the opportunity to watch, register, bid, buy and exchange on live property auctions. This service will ensure bidders can still participate and bid at an auction at the comfort and safety of their own home.
How would you negotiate a private treaty/private sale during the coronavirus?
All agents at Hayden are specialist negotiators and that doesn’t change during coronavirus. We are skilled at working with buyers, fielding questions, facilitating answers, and achieving exceptional results for our clients – as our track record shows!
I am currently working with active buyers in the market, the Hayden database and using normal methods such as phone, email and digital meeting platforms to achieve the best possible result for you and your property.
Until next time – your local Surf Coast agent.
Please contact me on 0422561570 or email [email protected] for any real estate enquiry.

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