REIV market snapshot

July 22, 2021 BY


A clearance rate of 92 per cent was recorded this week compared to 80 per cent last week and 84 per cent this same week last year.

There were 522 auctions reported to the REIV, with 479 selling and 43 being passed in, 17 of those on a vendor bid.

June quarter 2021 saw the highest number of auctions held for any June quarter, with over 11,900 reported.


Saturday July 17, 2021

Clearance rate: 892%

Sold at auction: 315

Sold before auction: 163

Sold after auction: 1

Passed in: 43

Passed in vendor bid: 17

Withdrawn: 149

Postponed: 291

No result: 268

Total Volume: $485.57m

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