REIV market snapshot – July 26, 2018

Marnie and Steve Last were the happy purchasers of 99 Fischer Street Torquay which was sold through Hayden’s for $735,000
A CLEARANCE rate of 63 per cent was recorded over the weekend compared to 62 per cent the weekend before and 75 per cent the same week last year.
There were 439 auctions reported to the REIV, with 276 selling and 163 being passed in, 79 of those on a vendor bid.
Doreen is seeing the effect of the upcoming rail extension project in neighbouring suburb, Mernda, with 54 auction sales, tripling its figure from the same period last year.
Hockingstuart Torquay sold 2 Sky Court Jan Juc at auction for $1,200,000 while One Agency Torquay sold 52 Ozan Crescent Jan Juc for $661,000 (see right).
Hayden Real Estate Torquay sold 99 Fischer Street for $735,000.