Anglesea Golf Club – April 12, 2018

April 11, 2018 BY

ON Wednesday April 4, the Men played Stableford. The A Grade winner was Geoff Lewtas with 41 points from runner-up David Lewis with 39 points. The B Grade winner was Don Callahan with 40 points, from runner-up Mick Hayward who scored 37 points. The C Grade winner was Bernie Gibbons with 39 points. Michael Preston finished runner-up with 38 points on a countback. Ball rundown to 37 points on a countback. NTPs: 3rd Geoff Lewtas, 6th Andrew Glide, 13th Nigel Forsyth and Jackpot 16th Bernard Gibbons. Peter Jillard prevailed in the Anglesea IGA Matchplay, defeating Andrew Daffy 2 up – Congratulations Peter. Ian Burgess finished off his round with an Eagle on the 18th, to claim 7 balls from the Eagles Nest.

On Thursday April 5, the Women played Stroke, Monthly Medal.

The A Grade, and Monthly Medal winner was Valda Connelly with 70 nett, while Sue Britnell finished runner-up with 76 nett. The B Grade winner was Janice Calvert with 71 nett, from runner-up Janet Stewart who scored 73 nett. The C Grade winner was Jill Dilger with 72 nett. Liz Burgess finished runner-up with 73 nett. Ball rundown to 76 nett on a countback. NTPs: 3rd Barb Cook, 6th Dee Stewart, Jackpot 13th Janice Calvert and 16th Sue Bowler. Jenni Inman won the putting competition with 26 putts. Valda Connelly won a golf ball for the best gross of the day with gross 87.

On Saturday March 31, the Men and Women played four person Ambrose, with the Men contesting the Ambrose Championship. The Championship winners were Graham Joyce, Derek Hardy, Jamie Sims and David Calvert with a nett score of 56 5/8. The runners-up were John Smart, Anthony Ivelja, Damien Withers and Mike McKay with their score of 57 5/8. Ball rundown to 59 1/2 on countback. The women’s winners were Anne Murphy, Jill Dilger, Jan Stewart and Jane Cotter with 67 ¼ nett. NTPs: 3rd Derek Hardy, 6th Sam Horne, 13th Geoff Hose and Jackpot 16th David Calvert.

On Sunday April 1, a Men’s and Women’s Par event was played. The Men’s winner was Stephen Alsop with +5, on a countback from Chris Fletcher on +5. Ball rundown to +3 on countback. The Women’s winner was Wendy Callahan with -3. Ball rundown to -3. NTPs: 3rd Barry Coleman, 6th Adam Hill, 13th Don Callahan and Jackpot 16th Stephen Alsop.

Please note that due to the Johnny Cash Tribute Show and Dinner at the Club on Saturday April 14, the Bistro will not be open. Booking are now open for Mother’s Day lunch (May 13).

Good golfing.

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