Anglesea Golf Club – January 25, 2018

January 26, 2018 BY

ON Wednesday January 17, the Men and Women played Stableford. The Men’s A Grade winner was Keith Fletcher with 40 points, while David Goldsmith finished runner-up with 39 points. The B Grade winner was Colin Favre with 44 points from runner-up Peter Williams with 39 points. Bernie Dilger won C Grade with 41 points on a countback from Len Ballem (who is in a rich vein of form) who finished runner up with 41 also on a countback. Ball rundown to 37 points on countback.

Women’s Winner Julie Taylor with 35 points. Ball rundown to 33 points on countback. NTPs: 3rd Paul Taylor, 6th Shane Clark, 13th Richard Gribben and Jackpot 16th Don Callahan.

On Saturday January 20, the Men and Women played Par with some hot scoring. The Men’s A Grade Winner was Sam Horne with +8, while Anthony Ivelja finished runner-up with +5. The B Grade winner was Jasan Bourk with +10 from runner-up Jim Dickson with +5. Darryl West won C Grade with +8 from Christian Jacobs who finished runner up with +5. Ball rundown to +3 on countback. Women’s Winner Anne Chenoweth with +1 from Sue Bowler who finished square. Ball rundown to square. NTPs: 3rd Tim Beacham, 6th Jeremy Roberge, 13th Damian Withers and Jackpot 16th Christian Jakob. Paul Brennan eagled the 8th to claim the Eagles nest.

On Sunday January 21, the Men and Women played Stableford. The Men’s A Grade winner was Chris Robertson with 41 points. The B Grade winner was Don Callahan (again!) with 37 points on a countback. David Griffiths won C Grade with 40 points. Ball rundown to 37 points on countback. Women’s Winner Wendy Callahan with 41 points from runner-up Nancye Warhurst 37 points. Ball rundown to 35 points on countback. NTPs: 3rd Don Callahan, 6th Matthew Mills, 13th Claire Brennan and Jackpot 16th Claire Brennan.

Coming events
Thursday January 25 – Men’s and Women’s Stableford
Saturday January 27 – Men’s and Women’s Stableford
Sunday January 28 – Men’s and Women’s Par

Our bistro lunch specials are available every day in January, with a variety to choose from and ample car parking. Dinner Bookings are highly recommended.

Good golfing.

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