Anglesea Golf Club – June 14, 2018

June 13, 2018 BY

ON Wednesday June 6, the Men played Stableford-Medal.

The Men’s A Grade and Monthly Medal winner was David Calvert with 39 points from runner-up Taine Pearse with a score of 37 points. The B Grade winner was Mal Owen with 38 points, while Peter Calvert finished runner-up with 37 points. The C Grade winner was Alex Sutherland with 36 points on a count back from runner-up Bernie Gibbons with 36 points. Ball rundown to 33 points on a countback. NTPs: 3rd Andrew Daffy, 6th Graeme Mills, 13th David Calvert and Jackpot 16th Allan Smith.

On Thursday June 7, the Women played Stableford. The A Grade winner was Anne Larkins with 34 points, while Judy Talbot finished runner-up with 33 points. The B Grade winner was Nancye Warhurst with 34 points, from runner-up Barb Croaker who scored 32 points. The C Grade winner was Maralyn Cross with 33 points while Alanna Boston finished runner-up with 32 points. Ball rundown to 32 points on a countback. NTPs: 3rd Sue Bowler, 6th Anne Larkin, Jackpot 13th Nancye Warhurst and 16th Lorraine Elliott. Congratulations to Sue Britnell and Roberta Lockyer on winning the 4BBB Knockout final in a close contest against Heather Jillard and Ann Stokes.

On Saturday June 9 the Men and Women played Par. The Men’s A Grade winner was Peter Richardson with +4 from runner-up Sam Horne who scored +3. The B Grade winner was Mervyn Worsfold with a whopping +7 from Craig Daffy who scored +6 to finish runner-up. Don Gough won C Grade with +5, on a countback from Charlie Reif who also scored +5. Ball rundown to +2 on a countback. The Women’s winner was Ella Coleman with +1. Ball rundown to +1. NTPs: 3rd Craig Daffy, 6th Ian Treloar, 13th John Keeble and Jackpot 16th Phil Caruso.

On Sunday June 10, a Men’s and Women’s Stableford event was played. The Men’s A Grade winner was Tony Leeds 40, while Tim Lee won B Grade with 38 points. Phil Caruso won C Grade with 41 points. Ball rundown to 37 points on countback. The Women’s winner was Liz Lee with 35 points. Ball rundown to 31 points on countback. NTPs: 3rd Chris Fletcher, 6th Russell Murfitt, 13th Grant Lowry and Jackpot 16th Liz Lee. Tony Leeds eagled the 5th hole to claim 5 balls from the Eagles Nest.

On Monday June 11, a Men’s and Women’s Par event was played. The Men’s winner was Bernie Dilger with +1, while Sam Horne finished runner-up with Square. Ball rundown to -1 on countback. The Women’s winner was Heather Jillard with +2. Ball rundown to +2. NTP’s: 3rd Ben Nancarrow, 13th Ray Shaw and Jackpot 16th Robyn Schepers.

Bookings are now open for the Frankie Valli, Beach Boys and the 4 Seasons show to be held at the Club on Saturday July 21. Book early to avoid disappointment. Dinner and Show $59.

Good golfing.

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