ANGLESEA GOLF CLUB – November 29, 2018

November 29, 2018 BY

ON WEDNESDAY 21 November the Men played stableford- the final round of the  David Cook Trophy. The Men’s A Grade winner was Peter Thompson with 40 points on a countback from runner-up Garry Beurteux, who also finished with 40 pts. The B grade winner was Peter Malone with 41 points from runner-up John Prince who scored 40 points.

Shane Blake won C Grade with a whopping 44 points from runner-up Michael Preston who scored 43 points. Ball rundown to 37 points on a countback. NTPs: 3rd John Mooney, 6th Greg Davis, 13th Andrew Glide and Jackpot 16th David McLaren. Shane Blake stormed home to claim the David Cook trophy with 119 points. His cores of 35, 40 and 44 good enough to defeat an unlucky Garry Beurteuax who scored 115 points, 36, 39 and 40.

On Thursday 22 November the Women played Par. The A Grade winner was Vida Brenner with +1 on a countback from runnerup Barb Hinton who returned +1. Wendy Callahan won B Grade with +2 from runner-up Marg DeVries who scored -1. Marg Lacey won C Grade with a score of +2 while Irena Karpala finished runner up with-1. Ball rundown to- 1 on a countback. NTPs: 3rd Janet Coombes, 6th Barb Cook, 13th Janet Coombes and 16th Judy Laird.

On Saturday 24 November the Men and Women played Stableford. The Men’s A Grade winner was Shane Thompson with 37 points on a countback from Brent McDonald who finished runner-up with 37 points. The B Grade winner was Graham Rees with 40 points from runner up Geof Howlett who finished  with 37 points. Frank Tait won C Grade with 43 points from Con Keet who finished runner- up with 40 points. Ball rundown to 34 points on a countback. The Women’s winner was
Jane Cotter with 33 points. Ball rundown to 30 points. NTPs: 3rd Calvin Robbins, 6th Darren Turner, 16 Geof Dean and Jackpot 16th Brandon McClelland.

On Sunday 25 November a combined Stableford was played, following the AGM.

The winners were Tim Bone and Jack Bone with 80 points. The runners-up were Kent Taylor and Wayne Pipe with 70 points. Balls down the line to 62 points on a countback.

NTPs 3rd – Ian Nancarrow, 6th Bernie Dilger 13th Jane Cotter and Jackpot 16th Frank Tait Coming events:
Thursday 22 November – Women’s 4BBB Stableford
Saturday 1 December – Men’s & Women’s Par
Sunday 2 December –Men’s & Women’s Stableford.
Wednesday 5 December – Men’s 2 Person Aggregate Par.

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