
Big tennis day to remember Jim

July 11, 2018 BY

Some of the many current and former club members who played - or just came along for the day.

MOOLAP Tennis Club recently held its inaugural Jim Abrahams Memorial Tournament, to honour the memory of a much-loved club member, who passed away just on a year ago.

The tournament was initially in dire threat of not happening, with the weather forecast predicting strong wind, rain, even hail!

Almost miraculously, just prior to the starting time of 11.30am, the clouds and rain disappeared and the tournament went ahead and was quite spectaculously successful too.

Current players, former players and some genuine “blasts from the past” came along, around 50 of them, to honour the memory of the mighty Jimbo and it’s fair to say that it was a social and tennis occasion that will be long remembered!

Tennis In Geelong’s Phil Hunt was on the organising committee and Tennis Vic’s Pete McDonald was also there for a while – and kicked in some nice prizes for a raffle too!

The winners, left to right, Jake (club president), Fran, Joe and Michael.

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