May 9, 2019 BY

Some much-needed rain in the past week as really greened up the course! Unfortunately our groundsman Rob and his team would like it to come in smaller increments rather than a heavy downpour. The ground staff had their work cut out for them on Thursday and Friday morning. The new 9th green is showing a tinge of green with the new growth. This huge green and surrounds look awesome. Our Members are eagerly anticipating playing the great looking new 9th hole.

Eagles: Justin Foss on the 3rd on Sunday.

Sunday April 28: Mixed Stableford – 40 Players. Paul Cooper (11) shot 40 to win by one from Aidan Burns (22) 39.

Monday April 29: Men Stableford: 62 Players – Bruce Mitchell (19) won on C/B with 37 from Trevor Pyke (15). Green Tees: Al Manley (25) 35.

Women: 28 Players – Elaine Cass (11) 36 with Pip Williams (16) next best on 34 C/B.

NTP: 8th – Thais Colbert, 17th – And Golden Shot Winner – Trevor Pyke (1.26m & $73)

Tuesday April 30: Women 9 Holes Stroke: 40 Players – Anni Jefferies blitzed the front 9 in 30 with Anne Clutterbuck following on 34.

Wednesday May 1: Men S’F 9th Round of Dohnt Trophy: – 113 Players. A) John Board (12) 37 on C/B from Greg Bishop (3). B)

Barry Felthouse (16) 38 on C/B from Michael Nanley (15). C) Kevin Stuart (20) 43 outgunned Ted Murrant (22) with his 40.

NTP: 4th – Neville Corcoran, 8th – Jackson Ristevski, 13th – Denis Penny, 17th – Peter Lewis. Golden Shot on 17th – Trevor (Greedy) Pyke (1.54m & $102).

Thursday May 2: -: Women Stableford: 31 Players – The miserable weather saw only 31 women grace the fairways today. This didn’t deter Ange West (24) from scoring 36 to win by one from Lynne Perree (12) 35.

NTP: 8th – Sheryl Mackie, 17th & Golden Shot Winner – Barb Sims ($29).

Saturday May 4: Men Stableford: 157 Players. Peter Meyer (2) shot 2 under to win A Grade with 69 on C/B from Connor McKee (7) and Steve McNamara (3). B Grade went to Chris McIlvenny (15) with 68 from Trevor Pyke (14) 69. Andy Bernau (22) claimed C Grade with 68 from Brian Egan (24) 70 C/B.

Women: 19 Players – Kaye Dove (18) won by 4 with 37 from Jenny Travers (15) 33.

NTP: 4th – Justin Foss, 8th – John Donlen, 13th – Connor McKee, 17th & Golden Shot Winner – John Anglin, (1.95m & $167).

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