Fishing Report – September 21, 2017

October 31, 2017 BY


» Weather conditions still poor but some catches reported
» Salmon are still being caught off the beaches and near the boat ramp
» Occasional flathead being reported
» a few gummy shark are still being reported
» in close, reports of the odd King George whiting being caught.


» Weather conditions are still poor
» Salmon are still being caught off Wild Dog and Marengo
» The harbour wall is still reporting catches of salmon
» Reports of couta in the harbour
» Some gummy shark being caught down towards Johanna
» The aire and Barham rivers are still producing the occasional bream.

For all your bait and tackle, go to Apollo Bay Sports. Phone Steve or Jen, they will be more than pleased to help you. Phone 5237 6434.


» Reports of pinkie snapper and whiting continue offshore when fishos get out
» Gummy shark reported off the beaches but not in numbers, just occasionally
» Salmon reports continue off most beaches
» River reports see the occasional King George whiting, trevally as well as salmon.


» Bad weather continues to affect reports
» Those who do get out are reporting some pinkies as well as flathead
» Reports of some flathead being caught off the beaches
» King George whiting and sand whiting have been reported by those when fishing in close
» Reports also of barracouta offshore
» Reports of the occasional gummy shark being caught off the beaches
» Salmon continue to be caught off most local beaches
» Spring Creek continues to produce a few small bream.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available, or phone 5264 8207.


» Weather conditions are still poor
» St Leonards, reports are still coming in of King George whiting, flathead and some squid as well as the occasional gummy shark
» Clifton Springs, reports of King George whiting as well as calamari and flathead continue
» Queenscliff is still seeing reports King George whiting and calamari
» The creek is still seeing somereports of trevally and salmon
» Swan Bay near the entrance continues to produce whiting, taylor and calamari
» Point Lonsdale, small numbers of trevally and salmon are being reported
» The White Lady continues toproduce a few whiting and calamari
» indented head is still seeing reports of flathead, King George whiting and calamari.

the picture we’re using this week has a little bit of a story to it.

Young Chayden informed us at a recent fishing clinic that he suffered an allergic reaction if he handled fish or any type of seafood (ie bait, prawns).

Yet he really wanted to fish, as he had never had the chance before.
So, we baited his hook helped him cast and made sure he was happy in what he was doing.

You guessed it! Not long afterwards he hooked up to a bream, got excited and forgot what he was told and doesn’t know how to get the fish in. That’s when his young school mate James stepped in to help land the bream. We handled the fish once it was on the bank and made sure there was no risk to Chayden.

The fish was landed, the pic was taken. Without Chayden touching the fish he had caught his first bream. He watched as it was released back into the river, all safely done to his satisfaction.

He was so wrapped he didn’t mind sharing bragging rights on his first catch with his school mate James. Even though, as he says, it was his fish!

Time for trout

After reviewing the changes to the new trout fishing rules and opening times it’s that time of the year again where Fisheries invites people with an interest in trout fishing to attend its annual conference. If you have a real interest in trout fishing feel free to attend.

Freshwater anglers can learn more about Victoria’s wild trout fisheries at a free oneday conference on Saturday November 11, to be held in Mansfield for the third consecutive year.

The 2017 “Talk Wild Trout” conference will bring together Fisheries scientists and anglers to share findings from research conducted on riverine trout populations during the last three years.

Renowned trout researcher from New Zealand John Hayes will provide the keynote address about trout behaviour and the key ingredients of a good trout stream. John is and has special expertise in recreational trout fisheries, instream habitat and trout feeding and growth.

Conference topics include:

  • Spawning results from 12 key rivers
  • Keynote speaker, renowned trout researcher from New Zealand, John Hayes, talking about trout behaviour and what makes a good trout stream
  • Anglers improving habitat and how to get involved
  • Outcomes of trout stocking in two iconicrivers
  • Progress on incubator stocking trials (three rivers)
  • Trout fishing pressure study
  • How anglers can get more involved in improving habitat, both in-stream and along river banks
  • The new Freshwater Fishery Management Plan
  • A panel discussion will end the day with questions from the audience welcome.

Attendees will also hear about Victoria’s new Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan and the latest on size and bag limit changes for trout, including the introduction of a minimum length, which is a Target One Million election commitment.

“The conference is open to everyone so we can share the results of field work and continue building a better understanding of our trout fisheries and what makes them tick,” Labor Upper House Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said.

“New Zealand’s world-famous trout fisheries are envied by many freshwater anglers in Victoria so it will be a privilege to hear from an expert in the field with so much experience.”

Fly-fishing fanatic and part owner of Millbrook Lakes private fishery in Ballarat Jon Clelow will also provide an entertaining talk titled “An expensive trout”.

A panel discussion will follow each of the three sessions with questions from the audience.

The conference will be held at the Mansfield Performing Arts Centre, between 9am and 4.30pm. Tea and coffee will be available and lunch will be provided.

Learn more about the day, including
how to register for free, at The conference is funded by fishing licence fees and the state government’s Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing, more often and grow participation to one million by 2020.

Anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing activity is urged to call the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).


Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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