February 7, 2019 BY

Bellarine Flathead competition nipper winner Jackson Deluca.

» Still reports of some salmon off local beaches
» Pinkies continue to be caught
» Reports of a few flathead offshore
» Whiting are still scarce
» Plenty of “rats”, (small kingfish)

» Snapper and pinkies are still being caught offshore
» Kingfish have been reported
» Some flathead catches offshore
» Small whiting, trevally and salmon are still being reported in the river
» Reports of salmon and mullet catches off local beaches.

» King George whiting are still being caught in close
» Pinkies and snapper continue offshore
» Kingfish have also been reported offshore
» Still plenty of baitfish around with slimeys and yakkas being caught
» Offshore, flathead reports continue
» Squid also continue offshore
» Reports of gummy shark being caught offshore and off the beaches
» Salmon are still around in numbers
» Still bream being caught in Spring Creek.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.

» St Leonards has King George whiting, flathead and squid continue, gummies have also been reported out wide
» Clifton Springs, pinkies, whiting and flathead catches are still on the go as well as the odd gummy shark and some calamari
» Queenscliff is still seeing whiting, flathead, salmon, squid and a few pinkies
» The creek continues with reports of trevally and salmon
» At the mouth, squid, salmon and flathead catches continue
» Point Lonsdale, has trevally, salmon and some snapper being caught as well as some nice whiting and squid
» The White Lady is still seeing reports of whiting, pinkies and squid along with gummy shark catches.
» Indented Head has reports of snapper, flathead, King George whiting, squid and pinkies continuing.

For all our readers, here is a quick update on the abalone rules.

Abalone must be measured prior to removal from its original location.

Abalone must be measured at the widest part of the shell, regardless of whether the shell is whole or damaged.

Measuring devices and pocket guides of abalone regulations are available free of charge from the Customer Service Centre, call 136 186.

There is a permanent ban on the taking of all abalone species from Central Victorian waters except on nominated days each year.

Central Victorian waters are defined as marine waters east of the mouth of Aire River to Arch Rock (near Cape Liptrap) including Port Phillip Bay. The southern boundary is a line running three nautical miles from the coast which is the seaward limit of state waters.

There has been an increase to the minimum legal length for blacklip abalone from 12cm to 13cm in waters west of the mouth of the Hopkins River to the South Australian border.

Recreational abalone open days for Central Victorian waters

There is a permanent closed season on the take of abalone from Central Victorian waters, except for nominated open days of the year. The season has been simplified to provide a consistent model to assist recreational fishers understanding.

Every Saturday, and Sunday, between November 16 and April 30 the following year, inclusive; Every Declared Public Holiday
in the State of Victoria between November 16 and April 30 the following year; December 25 through to the second Sunday in January the following year, inclusive.

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time over summer please phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).

I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.


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