Fishing Report – November 9, 2017

December 4, 2017 BY


» Local beaches are still seeing salmon being caught
» Offshore, still some sand flathead are being caught when boaties can get out
» Couta are also still believed to be around
» Occasional gummy shark catches have been reported
» Still some pinkie snapper being reported.


» Salmon are still being caught off Wild Dog and Marengo
» Good whiting are being caught both land based and by those out in the boats
» Those fishing in the harbour are catching grass whiting, King George whiting and a few trevally. Outside the harbour, a few salmon are still being caught off the wall
» Snapper and gummy shark catches are being reported
» Barham River producing a few small trout in the upper reaches.

For all your bait and tackle, go to Apollo Bay Sports. Phone Steve or Jen, they will be more than pleased to help you. Phone 5237 6434.


» Reports of pinkies, snapper and whiting continue offshore
» Some gummy sharks have been caught off the beaches
» Salmon catches continue off most local beaches
» The Barwon River: reports are still being received of some King George whiting, trevally and salmon being caught.


» Offshore reports of pinkies and flathead continue
» King George whiting and sand whiting are still being caught in close
» Reports still of some barracouta being caught offshore
» Gummy shark catches have been received off some local beaches
» Salmon continue to be caught of most local beaches
» in Spring Creek, bream continue.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available, or phone 5264 8207.


» a few King George whiting, flathead, squid off St Leonards being caught; out wide snapper and a few gummies are also being caught
» Some nice snapper being caught as well as pinkies, King George whiting, sand whiting, squid and flathead being caught off Clifton Springs
» Those off Queenscliff still catching some trevally, King George whiting, squid as well as some nice salmon
» The creek has trevally and salmon still being
» Point Lonsdale, reports of trevally, salmon and couta off the pier, with the odd snapper also being caught
» The White Lady continues to produce whiting and squid
» indented head, flathead, a few King George whiting and squid are all being caught.

THE Andrews Labor Government is better protecting stingrays, skates and guitarfish (or banjo sharks) in Victoria.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford announced in Parliament that from November 7, recreational fishing rules will be strengthened to ensure these beautiful animals are treated with respect.

The new rules are the product of extensive public consultation during winter, which attracted almost 1,200 submissions – the vast majority of which supported increased protection for these species.

The new rules will:

  • Prohibit the take or possession of stingrays, skates or guitarfish greater than 1.5 metres in wide
  • Reduce the combined daily bag limit for rays, skates and guitarfish less than 1.5 metres wide from five to one
  • Prohibit the take of these species within 400 metres of any pier, jetty, wharf or breakwater
  • Require these species to be landed whole so they can be measured by Fisheries officers
  • To support the introduction of the new rules this spring, dedicated Victorian Fisheries Authority officers will undertake Operation Liberty to educate anglers on the water and encourage responsible fishing
  • More signage will be erected on piers around Port Phillip, Western Port and along Victoria’s coast to raise awareness amongst the fishing community, promote the new rules and illustrate good handling practises
  • Existing fishing regulations will continue to require anglers to return unwanted or undersize species to the water with the least possible injury.

Club Corner

The Lorne Aquatic & Angling Club (LAAC) held their last major fishing competition for the year on Sunday. It was sponsored by Lorne Hardware.

The weather wasn’t kind with a brisk south-easterly wind. Only two boats braved the conditions and caught some nice flathead and pinkies before being forced in early as the wind picked up. Most anglers fished from the pier while some tried their luck in the Erskine River and off the rocks.

The results for the day were:

  • Junior Winner, Daisy Lodge with a flathead.
  • Junior runner-up, Quinn Lodge also with a flathead.
  • Senior Winner, Brett (Coil) Stewart with a snapper.
  • Senior runner-up, Andrew Clarke with a flathead.
  • Senior third, Tony Gallaher also with a flathead.

The boat fishing off Lorne at the moment has been excellent with the flathead really on the chew. The snapper have been patchy but if you’re lucky enough to find them you can catch a nice feed. There’s also been some nice big gummy sharks caught. Ralph De Bon and his son Tilo now hold both the senior and junior club records for gummies.

Lorne’s old fishing legend Gordon Bannister caught a nice big nannygai recently, which is now a club record. We have a new members club record board on display in the front window of our clubhouse with 25 different species of fish listed. Any member who catches a fish around the Lorne area at any time can weigh it in and get their name up on the board.

There’s been the odd King George whiting caught but they haven’t arrived in numbers yet.

Off the pier, grass whiting have been abundant and quite a few salmon have been caught. Our resident seal Sammy, who lives under the pier, has become an expert at removing salmon off fish hooks so you have to get them in quickly or they will end up in his belly.

Thanks to: Keith Miller. LAAC fishing.


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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