FISHING REPORT – April 04, 2019

April 4, 2019 BY

Simon McRae sent this pic in of a 30-centimetre bream caught by his son Willem at Spring Creek on some squid. Lots of bites and plenty of fish jumping to entertain the kids.

» Still reports of some good size salmon off local beaches
» Reports of pinkies offshore
» Flathead are still being caught offshore but not in any great numbers
» Some small tuna being reported
» Gummy Shark are being caught
» Whiting are still being caught but not in numbers, but some big ones have been caught.

» Barwon Heads is still reporting snapper and pinkies offshore
» The occasional gummy shark is still being caught
» Reports of flathead continue
» There are still reports of mulloway in the river
» Elephant Sharks have been reported in the river
» Whiting, trevally and salmon continue but not in any great numbers
» Salmon are still being caught of most local beaches.

» After many years of sightings and chasing, several kingfish have finally been caught off Lorne, all legal size
» A couple of tuna have been landed and kingies have been seen swimming with them
» The water is sitting on about 18 degrees, which is still warm for this time of year.
» Mackerel and yakkas are still plentiful and there are still some unusual fish being caught.
» Good size snapper are being caught in good numbers
» King George Whiting are coming in but aren’t overly abundant
» Still plenty of flathead about
» Plenty of Gummy sharks but still no schoolies
» The Pier is still fishing well with plenty of squid, salmon, snapper and whiting being caught.

Thanks to the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club for the report.

» King George whiting are being caught in close
» Pinkies and snapper are still being caught offshore
» Flathead catches offshore have been reported
» Squid are still around
» Tuna and kingfish reports offshore continue
» Gummy Shark have also been reported
» Reports of some couta continue
» Salmon off local beaches in good numbers
» Bream being caught in Spring Creek.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.

» St Leonards reports King George whiting, flathead, pinkies and squid continuing
» Clifton Springs reports small pinkies, whiting and flathead as well as squid as well as the occasional gummy shark
» Queenscliff is reporting whiting, flathead, salmon, squid with a few pinkies and a few trevally
» Outside the heads reports of bluefin tuna continue as well as a few gummy shark
» The creek is producing trevally, salmon and some mullet
» Swan Bay mouth, squid, salmon as well as flathead and small whiting are still being caught
» Point Lonsdale has trevally, whiting, salmon pinkies and snapper plus squid are still being reported
» The White Lady is producing whiting, pinkies and squid and the odd gummy shark
» Indented Head has reports of snapper, pinkies, gummy shark, flathead, King George whiting, and squid.

BOATING will become safer, cheaper and easier for all Victorians thanks to a raft of changes that will boost recreational boating and fishing.

Minister for Fishing and Boating Jaala Pulford announced that Better Boating Victoria will be established to oversee the introduction of free parking and launching at all public Victorian boat ramps.

“We’ve created Better Boating Victoria to oversee our unprecedented investment in boating that will ensure more Victorians can enjoy our wonderful waterways,” she said.

“We’re making it easier and cheaper for Victorian families to get out on the water.”

It’s part of an unprecedented investment in boating and fishing by the State Labor Government, that will ensure every dollar of licence and registration revenue can be directed to projects that improve boat ramps and other facilities.

The Labor Government will establish the Better Boating Fund to make possible boating facility upgrades and major maintenance of Victoria’s boating infrastructure.

Better Boating Victoria will oversee the delivery of upgrades and important maintenance at Mordialloc, Queenscliff, Point Richards, Hastings, Rhyll and Cowes Jetty.

Eight new casual berths will also be established for public use across Port Phillip. Better Boating Victoria will also review
the management of boating infrastructure in Port Phillip and Western Port Consultation with key industry stakeholders in the fishing and boating industry will commence shortly to further refine the scope of the Better Boating initiatives.

These changes will make it easier and more affordable for Victorian families to get out on the water.

Better Boating Victoria builds on the success of the Government’s record $46 million investment in the Target One Million program, including a massive boost to fish stocking, a new native fish hatchery and better planning for fishing tourism.

The Government is also removing commercial net fishing from Port Phillip and Gippsland Lake which will protect the remaining biomass of fish and boost recreational fishing and boating – attracting tourists and creating jobs.

VicRoads will soon finalise the design for recreational fishing licence plates for cars and boats. Over 2000 entries have received already and the competition closes this week. For more information, visit

The Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club held their second Major Fishing Competition recently.

Conditions were perfect with 22 boats being launched and plenty of fish weighed in.

We had our first ever Kingfish caught in a comp with two coming in.

Senior Winner was Joel Norton with a Kingfish 4150 points.

Runner Up was Harley Davies also with a Kingy 3940 points.

Third was our reigning club champion with a snapper 2680 points.

In the junior section the winner was Daisy Lodge with a Mackerel 2880 points.

Runner Up was Zane Lodge with a snapper 2390 points and third was Jack Addison with a flathead 2330 points.

The next comp is on April 21. All welcome, competitors get a free roast lunch.

If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time over summer please phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).

I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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