Fishing Report, August 1 2019

August 1, 2019 BY

Alan Dolezal with a nice size squid caught off St Leonards.


  • Still salmon catches being reported off local beaches
  • When fishos can get out reports of flathead and some pinkies continue
  • The odd whiting is also being reported.

Barwon Heads

  • Snapper and Pinkies catches offshore when boats can get out
  • Flathead catches both offshore and off the beach have been reported
  • Still some reports of whiting, trevally and salmon in the river
  • Salmon catches continue off local beaches.



  • Last reports have King George whiting, pinkies and snapper being reported offshore
  • Pinkies and some snapper had been reported as being caught off the beaches along with reports of some nice-size flathead
  • Squid catches and reports of some gummy shark catches had also been reported
  • Salmon reports off local beaches
  • Still bream to be caught in Spring Creek



  • St Leonards is seeing reports of King George whiting, flathead and squid continuing
  • Clifton Springs sees reports of a few whiting, pinkies and flathead
  • Queenscliff has reports of whiting, flathead, salmon and squid continuing
  • Reports of a few trevally being caught in the creek
  • Swan Bay reports are of squid, salmon with some pinkies also being caught
  • Point Lonsdale, sees trevally, salmon and snapper continuing to be caught
  • The White Lady has reports of whiting, pinkies and still some squid
  • Indented Head has snapper, flathead and King George whiting as well as squid still being reported.

LAUNCHING a boat and cleaning your catch in regional Victoria has got even easier for recreational fishers over the last four years thanks to a suite of improved facilities at our lakes, rivers, estuaries and bays.

Victorian Fisheries Authority CEO Travis Dowling said recreational fishing licence fees and the State Government’s Target One Million plan to get more people fishing, more often, had invested nearly $1.4 million into 27 projects since 2015.

“We know fishers appreciate boat launching facilities in good order and cleaning tables that make it easy to take home fresh fish for the family dinner table,” Mr Dowling said.

“That’s why we funded the extension of boat ramps and the construction of new ones at Tullaroop Reservoir, Taylors Lake near Horsham, Swan Hill, Corringle, Corinella, Toolondo, Hazelwood Pondage, Pental Island, Yarrawonga and Majors Lane on the Victorian side of Lake Mulwala, Lake Eildon, Surry River and Venus Bay.

“Several of these locations have also welcomed floating pontoons and jetty repairs to optimise use and speed up launching and safe boarding of boats.

“New fish cleaning tables have been built at Warrnambool, Point Richards and Indented Head in Corio Bay, and Crouch’s Inlet at Warneet, whilst at Lake Eildon, solar lights have been installed at several ramps to improve visibility when launching in low light.”

Mr Dowling said the collaborative approach with regional councils had assisted in the construction and maintenance of boat ramps, and boaters could look forward to more good news as the newly created Better Boating Victoria (BBV) took charge of improving facilities including parking.

“The creation of BBV earlier this year delivered on a commitment of Target One Million phase 2.

“BBV is leading the charge of simplifying the management of boating infrastructure under one umbrella organisation, improving boating facilities across the board and making launching and parking free of charge soon.

“Recreational fishing is in great shape in Victoria thanks to unprecedented investment over many recent years. We are the envy of many fishers interstate with booming inland fisheries for trout and native fish, and thriving marine fisheries for tuna, kingfish, snapper, King George whiting and calamari.

“It’s a good time to be a fisher in Victoria and we aim to keep it that way.”

Learn more at


Shop closure worth noting

This past weekend saw the closing down of a well-known store that many in the local community and tourists alike had come to know quite well.

Torquay Tackle and Sports after operating in Torquay for over eight and a half years has had to close its doors.

It provided an important service to locals and tourists helping them to enjoy their recreational fishing. With advice freely available to all on where to fish and what was the best bait to use as well as providing fishing licences to those who needed them

The current proprietor like those before him loved their fishing and that showed in how they dealt with their customers.

As for Ross, I thank him for his reports and his commitment to the fishing community and wish him all the best

This is the last of the true fishing tackle stores between Geelong and Apollo Bay.

So, if you need any “reel” fishing supplies make sure you bring them with you or purchase them on your way.

Another loss to our recreational fishing community in more ways than one.

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time, phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).


Club Corner

If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here



I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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