FISHING REPORT – December 6, 2018

John McCoy from Jan Juc caught this 80-centimetre, 8-kilogram snapper off a local beach on dusk last Friday.
» Weather affecting all fishing reports
» Still reports of salmon off most local beaches
» Flathead are still being reported offshore
» A few pinkies are being caught but not in numbers
» The occasional whiting has also been reported.
» Offshore, snapper and pinkies reports continue
» A few flathead are also being caught offshore
» Whiting, trevally and salmon reports continue in the river
» Some salmon being caught off local beaches.
» Still reports of King George whiting in close
» Reports of pinkies and snapper offshore and from the beach when fishos get out
» Flathead are still being caught off the beaches
» Squid catches offshore have also been reported when fishos get out
» Still Salmon to be had off local beaches
» Bream being caught in Spring Creek.
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information available. Phone 5264 8207.
» St Leonards: reports of King George whiting, flathead, squid and some nice snapper and gummies being caught
» Clifton springs is still seeing reports of snapper, whiting, pinkies and flathead continuing
» Queenscliff is still seeing whiting and a few flathead, salmon and squid being caught
» Trevally and salmon are still to be had in the creek
» Swan Bay is still reporting a few squid and whiting
» Point Lonsdale: salmon and snapper as well as pinkies and squid are being caught
» The White Lady, is producing whiting, pinkies and squid
» Indented Head has snapper, flathead, King George whiting, squid and some gummies are still being reported.
RECREATIONAL anglers in East Gippsland are celebrating the release of 67,500 estuary perch fingerlings that will improve their fishing chances in the years ahead.
Victorian Fisheries Authority chief executive officer Travis Dowling said the fish releases are part of a marine stocking program that aims to rebuild estuary perch populations in several coastal systems.
“The 67,500 estuary perch fingerlings were shared between Lake Tyers (40,000), the Bemm River (15,000) and the Snowy River at Marlo (12,500),” Mr Dowling said.
“Estuary perch are a popular sportfish and highly regarded by local anglers who’ve played a pivotal role in the stocking program over many years.
“In August, more than 20 volunteers from the Marlo and Bemm River fishing clubs joined Fisheries staff to collect broodfish, from which today’s fingerlings were bred at a private hatchery in Narooma.
“The club volunteers used hook and line fishing methods to catch more than 120 estuary perch, the best 48 of which were transported to the interstate hatchery.
“It was critical that the broodfish were caught, handled and transported in the very best ways to minimise stress and maximise the chances of healthy spawning upon arrival.”
Mr Dowling said the primary aim of stocking estuary perch into Lake Tyers is to re-establish a self-sustaining population, which has all but disappeared in recent times.
“We know and love Lake Tyers’ fantastic bream and dusky flathead fishery and would like to add estuary perch to the list of species that anglers could confidently target there.
“Since 2015, Lake Tyers has been stocked with 50,000 estuary perch fingerlings, excluding today’s releases, and the Bemm River 15,000.
“The marine stocking program is funded with help from recreational fishing licence fees.”
Learn more at
Fished over nine days so that all members could enter, Brandon Scaffidi won Junior Heaviest trophy with a squid of 2.68kg.
Joe Scaffidi won Heaviest Male Trophy with 1.56kg. Mystery Weight Prize winners were Ted Stannard, Joe Scaffidi, Brandon Scaffidi, Charley Grasso and Phil Walters.
Squid were taken from Queenscliffe, Point Lonsdale and Clifton Springs, with a seal taking two from Peter Kellam and one right out of Charley Grasso’s hand as he tried to lift it from the water.
Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time over summer please phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).
I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.