Fishing Report – January 18, 2018

January 18, 2018 BY


» Still some reports of a few small pinkies
» Schools of small salmon are being caught off the beaches
» Flathead are being reported offshore but more are being caught out deep
» Some small whiting have been caught in close.


» In the river, salmon, trevally and King George whiting have been reported
» Offshore reports of snapper and pinkies being caught
» Gummy shark are also being reported
» Some kingfish have also been sighted.


» Still some reports of snapper being caught offshore
» Some flathead and King George whiting are also being caught
» Salmon are still being caught off most local beaches
» Some gummy sharks have been reported
» Some couta are also being caught
» Spring Creek: bream are still being reported.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.


» St Leonards, snapper are still being caught out wide along with whiting and there are still some good-size flathead being caught. Plus reports of some nice gummy shark as well as squid being caught
» Point Lonsdale, reports of salmon, trevally and good-sized whiting as well as squid being caught
» Queenscliff Harbour, trevally, salmon, mullet and some pinkies have been reported
» White Lady, a few whiting and squid as well as flathead are being caught
» Indented Head, flathead, squid and snapper are still being reported along with some nice gummy shark.

A FISH and chip shop owner in south western Victoria and two associates were arrested recently for allegedly laundering recreationally caught fish through his shop and dealing in the proceeds of crime.

Victorian Fisheries Authority acting director of education and enforcement Brooke Hall said the shop owner’s seven-and-a-half-metre boat, valued at $150,000, was seized by Fisheries Officers and investigators, along with a truck.

“Also seized were several boxes of frozen fish fillets, estimated to weigh 60kg, and fishing gear including 23 fishing rods, two with electric reels, all worth in excess of $10,000,” Mr Hall said.

“Fishmongers and fish and chip shops must only sell seafood that has been purchased from licensed commercial fishers and cannot sell fish caught by recreational anglers, including themselves.

“The extensive investigation, code-named Operation Torpedo, conducted surveillance on several occasions on the three men while they were fishing along the southwest Victorian coast.

“It will be alleged that fish caught on each trip, including gummy shark and school shark (commonly sold as flake), mako shark, flathead, snapper, morwong, leatherjacket and gurnard, were taken back to the shop, processed, then laundered and sold as legitimately sourced seafood.

“The sale of recreationally caught fish undermines the legitimate commercial fishing industry and has the potential to threaten the sustainability of Victoria’s fisheries resource.

“Recreationally caught fish are not subject to any of the food safety measures required under the Food Standards Code.

“The sale of illegally sourced fish places the health of purchasers at risk, and the reputation of retail businesses.”

Mr Hall said fisheries and food safety legislation required fish retailers and wholesalers to only buy seafood from legitimate commercial sources and to keep records of the purchase transaction, including the name and address of the provider.

“Fisheries Officers and investigators will continue to detect, disrupt and dismantle organised illegal fishing activity as a priority.

“We are dedicated to exploring all avenues to bring offenders to justice and protect Victoria’s fisheries resources for sustainable and legitimate utilisation.”

Remember anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing is urged to call Fisheries’ 24-hour reporting line, 13 FISH (133 474). You can remain anonymous.

Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club

On January 28, the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club is holding its first major fishing competition for the year. All fish must be weighed in by 12.30pm and following the presentations there will be a roast lunch. All members are welcome.


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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