FISHING REPORT – January 24, 2019

January 24, 2019 BY

Rob with a two-kilogram snapper caught off Queenscliff.

» Still some reports of salmon off local beaches
» Several small pinkies are being caught
» The odd snapper has also been reported
» Reports of flathead offshore and off the beach
» The occasional whiting is still being caught in close.

» Reports of snapper offshore, and pinkies being caught
» Also reports of kingfish
» Flathead catches continue to be reported offshore
» Reports of whiting, trevally and small salmon in the river
» Salmon catches and some mullet are being caught off local beaches.

» Reports of some nice King George whiting in close
» Pinkies and snapper are being caught in good numbers
» Reports of kingfish being caught with some nice ones being taken
» Mako sharks are also being reported
» Plenty of baitfish around with lots of mullet and yakas around
» Flathead reports offshore and also from those fishing the beaches
» Squid are being caught offshore
» Some gummy shark reports are still being received
» Salmon are around in numbers off the local beaches
» Reports of bream being caught in Spring Creek.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-todate information available. Phone 5264 8207.

» St Leonards has King George whiting, flathead and squid all being reported

» Clifton Springs is reporting pinkies, whiting and flathead catches
» Queenscliff has whiting, flathead, salmon and squid still around
» The creek has reports of trevally and salmon
» Swan Bay continues to produce squid and salmon
» Point Lonsdale is still producing reports of trevally, salmon and snapper being caught
» The White Lady has whiting, pinkies and squid still being reported
» Indented Head is seeing reports of snapper, flathead, King George whiting and squid continuing.

THE recreational fishing community is being praised for doing the right thing and largely sticking by catch limits following the completion of Operation Abate, during which nearly 2,700 anglers were inspected by Fisheries officers on Port Phillip and Western Port.

Victorian Fisheries Authority acting state manager operations Chris Angwin said uniformed and plain-clothed officers undertook patrols from boats and the shore, through daylight hours and at night during the four-week blitz.

“The vast majority of fishers were obeying minimum sizes and daily bag limits, which is terrific to see. Our overall
compliance rate was 93 per cent, with no boats seized and no serious offences detected that require court prosecution,” Mr Angwin said.

“Some infringement notices were issued for exceeding the snapper catch limit, fishing without a licence and fishing inside marine sanctuaries at the Jawbone and Ricketts Point.

“Officers also reported, unlike previous years, several anglers were keeping undersize flathead to use as bait. Keeping undersize fish, even for use as bait soon after they’re landed, is not permitted.

“Some anglers were surprised to be asked about their boating safety equipment during inspections by Fisheries officers,
who are also authorised under the Marine Safety Act.

“We encourage all boating anglers to check they have flares in date, enough lifejackets of the right type for everyone aboard, and a working fire extinguisher in an accessible spot.

“We want people to enjoy their time on the water and be prepared in case the unexpected happens and they find themselves faced with an on-water emergency.”

Mr Angwin said the biggest snapper observed during Operate Abate was 8kg and that the season had been one of contrasting fortunes for many anglers with good catches some trips and not others, and generally more productive snapper fishing in Western Port.

“Excellent catches of yank flathead had been observed, with kingfish showing up more recently at Port Phillip Heads and King George whiting on the increase in both bays in what is expected to be a very good season for them.”

A quick reminder about the Bellarine Pirates Angling Club & St Leonards Angling Club Flathead challenge on Saturday January 26

Competition HQ @ Clifton Springs Boat Ramp

$100 Mystery Weight, & Trophies for Heaviest Fish

$100 mystery weight plus five mystery vouchers

Trophies for heaviest seniors, juniors, nippers

Fish from Friday 2pm to Saturday 3pm Weigh in Saturday January 26 noon to 3pm @ boat ramp

Presentations at 3.15pm One fishing prize per competitor Juniors 10-16 years, Nippers 9 years and under

Weigh one fish for all categories Barbecue and drinks on sale from noon Fish must be presented as caught not gutted, cleaned, frozen or damaged How to enter: Request entry form by emailing [email protected].

If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your
club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time over summer please phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).

I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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