Fishing Report – July 12, 2018

July 11, 2018 BY

Graham with a nice garfish caught near the White Lady.


» Weather has yet to truly improve
» Few have been getting out
» Pinkies are still believed to be present
» Reports of some whiting being caught
» Salmon are still being caught off beaches and the or cks.


» Conditions have been ordinary
» Reports offshore have been few and far between
» Reports of some Gummy Shark and some nice flathead
» The Barwon River has a few whiting, trevally and salmon.


» Reports of whiting and pinkies offshore when weather permits
» Reports of good catches of salmon off our beaches continue
» Gummy shark catches offshore have been reported
» Flathead reports by those fishing offshore continue subject to fishos being able to get out
» Spring Creek continues producing bream.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in and see Ross or Josh. They will do their best to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.


» St Leonards, reports of some good calamari catches and a few whiting, squid and pinkies
» Indented Head is seeing reports of whiting, squid and flathead as well as some squid
» Swan Bay reports of some garfish and flathead
» Point Lonsdale Pier is still seeing salmon and trevally “when weather permits”
» The White Lady has a few whiting and squid
» Squid and a few flathead being caught near Clifton Springs
» The creek: possibly a few small trevally and salmon.

A RECENT follow-up audit of Victoria’s freshwater fisheries management has concluded that the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) has responded to all recommendations made by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office (VAGO) since its audit review in 2013.

Acting VFA CEO Dallas D’Silva said the report findings indicate our freshwater recreational fisheries are in great shape.

“Unprecedented State Government support through the Target One Million plan to get more Victorians fishing, more often, has enabled us to build better recreational fisheries with record investment in fish stocking, river restoration and strong collaboration between government agencies and recreational fishers,” Mr D’Silva said.

“The legacy of this work will flow through for decades to come.

“The VAGO report found the VFA has strengthened its alignment with the objectives of the Fisheries Act 1995, improved its engagement with natural resource managers, developed a stronger evidence base to support decision-making and managed freshwater fisheries in an ecologically sustainable manner.

“The key findings acknowledge the development of a Draft Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan, which provides a new state-wide strategic direction for managing freshwater recreational fisheries over the next decade.

“As outlined in the Draft Freshwater Fisheries Plan, building great recreational fisheries is about aligning fish, water and land management investment partnerships between agencies, water authorities and anglers.

“The VAGO audit also found the VFA had implemented all recommendations relating to fish stocking and was able to demonstrate the use of scientific data to inform stocking activity, including the recovery of some of our most threatened native fish populations.

To read a full copy of the VAGO audit report visit


Recently I posted a link to the image of the recreational Fisherman on the Point Lonsdale pier during heavy weather with big seas.

One of my readers, Alan, sent the following link and some comments worth thinking about.

This link is to the actual person filming being washed away on the Lonny pier, Alan’s comments follow.

“I cannot believe that given the waves that were washing over the end structure that you would fish from the end of the pier. Before Parks Victoria did strengthening you could see the pier moving when waves like this hit. Given the gear that these fishing people had on you would not survive if washed off. I am surprised Parks Vic did not close the pier – maybe something to comment on in your column?”

A good point, Alan, and one I hope Parks pay attention to.

Meanwhile, anyone with information relating to illegal fishing is encouraged to ring the illegal fishing reporting number on 13 FISH (13 34 74).


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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