Fishing Report – July 19, 2018

July 18, 2018 BY

Tom Miller with a 68-centimetre snapper caught off Lorne.


» Weather has yet to truly improve
» Fishing is relatively poor off Anglesea now
» A few reports of flathead and a few whiting
» The odd gummy shark has also been reported
» Plenty of salmon around both beach and boat fishing.


» Flathead reports offshore
» Gummy shark catches have also been reported
» Barwon River reports the occasional whiting, with a few trevally and salmon thrown in.


» Still reports of whiting and pinkies offshore
» Reports of good catches of salmon off our beaches
» Gummy shark catches offshore continue
» A few flathead are still being reported by those fishing offshore
» Spring Creek bream being caught.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in and see Ross or Josh. They will do their best to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.


» St Leonards: reports of some nice leather jacket a few whiting, squid, pinkie and flathead as well
» Heaps of salmon being caught outside the heads
» Indented Head: still reports of whiting, squid and flathead
» Swan Bay: reports of a few squid and a few King George whiting as well of some garfish reports.
» Point Lonsdale pier has salmon, trevally and a few whiting
» The White Lady is producing a few whiting and squid
» A few squid and flathead being caught near Clifton Springs
» The creek continues producing a few trevally.

FRESHWATER anglers will soon have even better fishing facilities at Lake Purrumbete thanks to a $100,000 grant from the Labor Government’s Target One Million plan, which aims to get more people fishing, more often.

Lake Purrumbete is one of Victoria’s renowned crater lakes in the south-west and attracts thousands of anglers annually for its trophy-size brown and rainbow trout, Chinook salmon and abundant redfin.

Labor Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney said amenities at the lake needed upgrading to improve land-based fishing opportunities for families and their children, and to improve boating access.

“Congratulations to the Lake Purrumbete Foreshore Reserve committee for seeking to improve freshwater fishing in their patch for members and the broader public.”

“Lake Purrumbete is famous for providing year-round fishing opportunities for a variety of species, so it makes sense to invest in better access and facilities to get more people fishing, more often.”

The project will install a new family-friendly, all-abilities 70 metre fishing pontoon to help anglers without a boat wet a line more easily.

For boaters, the existing launching ramp and jetties will be renovated, and nearby aquatic weed removed so that vessels can better access the lake through the shallow margins.

With better boating access and family-friendly facilities, Lake Purrumbete will continue to be one of Victoria’s best freshwater fisheries, which is good news for anglers and good news for regional businesses that depend on tourism.

For more information about Better Fishing Facilities Grants visit


A member of the public’s phone call to 13FISH has helped Fisheries Officers apprehend a Rowville man selling his catch of southern bluefin tuna, which is illegal.

Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) acting chief executive officer Dallas D’Silva said the 35-year-old man had returned from a fishing trip at Portland and allegedly posted online offering 8.5kg of southern bluefin tuna for $200.

“Recreational anglers must not sell their catch. Only commercial fishers can do that in accordance with strict licensing arrangements,” Mr D’Silva said.

“Having received the 13FISH phone call, Fisheries Officers from Cowes were able to respond quickly and within hours had apprehended the man and seized the fish, which had been taken legally aboard a charter boat trip.

“The man was interviewed and will be charged on summons for selling southern bluefin tuna, which is a priority species in Victoria, and thus afforded extra protection to ensure its sustainable management.

“He faces maximum penalties up to $32,238 and/or 12 months imprisonment.”

Mr D’Silva said this was a great example of the community helping ensure all Victorians have fish for the future by calling the 24-hour offence reporting line, 13FISH (133474).

“We can’t always respond so quickly to a call, however all the information received via 13FISH is useful and contributes to our intelligence database, which helps us plan operations and patrols.”

Anglers are reminded that the daily bag limit for southern bluefin tuna is two per person. An absolute state-wide possession limit also exists, which is two southern bluefin tuna or up to 160kg in any other form.

Anyone with information relating to illegal fishing is encouraged to ring the illegal fishing reporting number on 13 FISH (13 34 74).


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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