FISHING REPORT – June 27, 2019

June 27, 2019 BY

Locals Paul Spizzica, Ric Addison and Doug Williams with some nice snapper caught off Lorne.

» Weather conditions have still been poor and reports are affected accordingly
» Reports of small salmon catches off local beaches are still being received
» Whiting are reported as still being caught in
» A few gummy shark and flathead reports are still occurring

Report provided courtesy the Anglesea Rusty Anglers Angling Club

» Snapper, pinkies and flathead are still being reported when fishos do get out
» The river is still continuing to produce some small whiting and salmon in the river from reports received
» Small salmon are still being caught off some beaches.

» The terrible weather has made it difficult to get out but in between cold fronts we’ve managed to sneak out for a quick fish at least once a week
» Big snapper up to 60cm are still about in good numbers with plenty being caught
» Still lots of small schools of salmon popping up
» The yakkas and blue mackerel are still abundant with good size couta among them
» Plenty of flathead being caught with heaps of yanks but no big ones
» Still a few King George whiting coming in but you have to be patient
» A 19kg school shark was caught last week breaking the club record
» The pier has been quiet with the odd salmon, snapper and calamari being landed.

This report incorrectly ran as the Torquay report last week. Report thanks to the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club

» Reports of some good-sized catches of King George whiting
» Also reports of some good snapper being caught both, land based and offshore
» Still some reports of couta
» Reports of salmon catches increasing in numbers
» Spring Creek producing some small bream.

Torquay Tackle and Sports

» St Leonards reports of some good sized and increasing numbers of King George whiting, with flathead and a few squid still being caught
» Clifton Springs is also seeing more whiting, as well as flathead and squid along with the occasional pinkie being caught
» Queenscliff reports increasing in whiting numbers being caught as well as flathead, pinkies and squid
» Reports from the creek are still mainly of small trevally
» Swan Bay, reports of pinkies, flathead and squid being caught near the mouth continue
» Point Lonsdale pier is still reporting catches of trevally along with King George whiting and salmon
» The White Lady is reporting whiting, squid and flathead
» Indented Head has reports of flathead, King George whiting increasing as well as squid and snapper.

THE Victorian Fisheries Authority’s Snobs Creek hatchery will open its doors during the school holidays and welcome visitors to free open days on July 11 and 12.

Victorian Fisheries Authority CEO, Travis Dowling, said the two open days provide keen freshwater anglers, locals and tourists with the perfect opportunity to learn about how their fish are produced.

“The hatchery’s operation is funded by your recreational fishing licence fees and the State Government’s Target One Million plan, which is investing $34 million to get more people fishing, more often,” Mr Dowling said.

“The team at Snobs grew a record number of Murray cod for stocking last summer and Snobs is the home of trout production for Victoria’s state-wide stocking program.

“The hatchery played a huge part in stocking over 6 million fish in 2018 and will be pivotal in achieving the ambitious Target One Million commitment to stock 10 million by 2022.

“The open days provide a rare, behindthe- scenes view into the hatchery, where visitors can talk directly with expert
Fisheries staff about the process of growing your trout, salmon and native fish.

“Come along to see first-hand how fish are bred, fed, sorted and loaded into customised stocking trucks for release into waterways across the state to make your fishing even better.

“The open days will include familyoriented activities with prizes to be won and plenty on offer for kids of all ages, including fishing activities run by our education officers, casting clinics, and even a movie theatre to see how fish were once produced back in the day.”

Mr Dowling encouraged families to consider making a long weekend of it, combining a visit to the hatchery with wetting a line in the picturesque pondage or trying your luck in the deeper waters of Lake Eildon.

Food will be available for purchase from the local Lions Club onsite.

When: 10am – 2pm, Thursday July 11 and Friday July 12 2019

Where: 455 Goulburn Valley Highway, Eildon

Learn more at

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time, phone the 24- hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).


If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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