FISHING REPORT – March 14, 2019

March 14, 2019 BY

Rachel Spiteri recently caught four flathead, all measuring about 45cm, at Clifton Springs.

» Salmon reported off most local beaches
» A few pinkies continue to be caught offshore
» Reports of flathead are still far and few between
» Some whiting are being caught offshore but still not in any numbers

» Snapper and pinkies are still being reported offshore
» Flathead catches also continue
» Whiting, trevally and salmon are still being reported in the river
» Salmon continue of most local beaches

» The ocean here at Lorne at the moment is alive with millions of blue mackerel and yakkas and their bellies are full of tiny white bait, they are so thick that some days you can’t get your bait to the bottom
» Large schools of kingfish and tuna are feeding on them along with salmon and even the odd taylor
» There’s been a couple of makos sighted but none landed yet
» When you surface berley for makos, the mackerel and yakkas are so thick that they are eating every speck of berley
» A heap of silver sweep has also been reported
» The flathead have gone quiet but the snapper have arrived in good numbers
» King George whiting are about but you have to work for them and put up with lots of snapper beating them to the hook
» We’ve finally had some success with kingfish being caught They are in big schools mixed in with tuna
» Still plenty of big gummy sharks being caught but no schoolies as yet
» Swallowtail and nannygai are still coming in but the trevally we normally catch at this time of year haven’t
» The pier is fishing extremely well with lots of calamari, salmon, snapper and whiting being caught

Thanks to the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club for the report.

» King George whiting are still being reported in close
» Pinkies and snapper continue offshore
» Flathead reports are still being received
» Squid are also still being reported offshore
» Reports of gummy shark are still being received
» Salmon being caught off most local beaches
» Bream are still being caught in Spring Creek

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.

» St Leonards is still seeing good reports of King George whiting catches, flathead, pinkies and squid
» Clifton Springs, pinkies, whiting and flathead and squid are still being caught with the occasional gummy
shark catch also being reported
» Queenscliff is still seeing reports of whiting, flathead, salmon, squid as well as a few pinkies
» Outside the heads there are still some reports of bluefin tuna being sighted
» The creek still is seeing catches of trevally, salmon along with some mullet
» The mouth of Swan Bay is seeing catches of squid, salmon and flathead along with some small whiting
» Point Lonsdale is receiving reports of trevally, some whiting, some nice salmon as well as a few pinkie snapper and squid
» The White Lady has whiting, pinkies and squid as well as the odd gummy shark still being reported
» Indented Head is seeing reports of snapper, gummy shark, flathead, King George whiting, squid and pinkies continuing

THE Clifton Springs jetty has doubled in length to 70 metres and is now ready to be enjoyed by recreational anglers thanks to a $320,000 extension funded by the State Government.

Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville said the longer jetty includes plenty of features that will make it easier
and safer for families to wet a line including hand rails, rod holders and a light at its end.

The jetty extension improves anglers’ ability to cast into deeper water for popular table fish such as flathead, snapper, King George whiting and calamari.

The original 35-metre Clifton Springs jetty was built in 2017 following a local campaign to replace the previous wooden structure that had fallen into disrepair.

The jetty’s initial construction and recent extension have been managed by the City of Greater Geelong with substantial funding from State governments Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which is getting more people fishing, more often.

The longer jetty also complements the government’s commitment to  end all commercial net fishing in Port Phillip Bay by 2022. 33 of 43 commercial licence holders accepted a compensation package to exit the fishery in 2016, and Corio Bay
became net-free in April 2018.

Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville said doubling the length of the Clifton Springs jetty meant more people could cast in a line at busy times and take home a feed of fresh fish.

“Target One Million has delivered huge benefits for Victorian anglers in many ways, not least of which is better fishing facilities and access through projects like this jetty extension.”

If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here. Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity anytime over summer please phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).

I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.

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