Fishing Report – March 29, 2018

Mia caught her first fish, this bream, at Spring Creek on a rig with a running sinker and using squid as bait. The fish measured 38 centimetres. Her dad is pretty proud of her.
» Weather hasn’t been great for fishing
» Still pinkies, flathead and possibly whiting to be caught when the weather conditions improve
» Some salmon being reported off the beaches.
» Still pinkies to be caught offshore
» the Barwon river is still fishing the same, with whiting, trevally, salmon and bream being reported.
» When conditions allow, whiting in close on the reefs with some pinkies to be had
» Some good size salmon to be caught off the beaches
» Some gummy shark have been caught off the beaches as well
» reports of the odd flathead as well
» Still plenty of bream to be caught in Spring Creek
Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in at the store and see Ross or Josh to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.
» St Leonards, still some whiting, squid and some nice snapper still available out at the 20-metre mark
» Swan Bay has reports of a few garfish, as well as some flathead and some King George whiting
» reports of salmon in the rip
» Point Lonsdale pier is also said to be producing some nice salmon
» the White Lady is still producing a few squid and whiting
» the creek, a few trevally, salmon and mullet have been reported.
With the school holidays upon us and Easter around the corner this may be of interest to many of my readers.
This Autumn holiday program for the Kids:
be lured into fun fishy holiday activities at the Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre
Tuesday April 3 to Friday April 13
Centre Open: 10am to 4pm
Phone: 5258 3344
Visitor Information
Children 12 and under must always be accompanied by an adult on activities and in the centre.
Entry fees to the Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre: Adults $8, Children/Concession $ 5. Family $25.
The Hooked – family fishing trip, snorkelling, canoeing and the Marine biology cruise activities are subsidised by the state government’s Target One Million Let’s Get the Family Fishing program. A small fee is required.
Refunds will be given by the discovery centre if events are cancelled due to unsafe weather conditions. If you cancel, the discovery centre needs 24 hours’ notice. Bookings are essential for some activities.
Email: [email protected] – send them your details and they will call you back.
Phone: (03) 5258 3344 and press 4 to leave a message.
Booked events inside the MFDC
Fishy Tales – story time
Suitable for kids 2 to 5 years
A morning of beachy tales and craft presented by the Queenscliff Library – FREE
To Book – Phone 5258 2017 (Queenscliff Library).
Ocean art for children
Suitable for people 5 to 12 years Unleash your child’s creativity – with the help of renowned artist/illustrator Jennifer Beck. Participants must be accompanied by an adult. – $10 per person.
Saturday April 7 – Watercolour sketching
Materials are provided, but if your child has a sketch book – bring it along.
Wednesday April 11 – Marine debris sculpture activity
Participants are encouraged to enrol into the beach discovery activity that morning to collect debris. to book phone 5258 3344 and press 4 to leave a message.
See their fish in their watery worlds without getting wet!
Something is always happening!
Grow their school of fish
Tell Marine Discovery Centre how you fish responsibly and add your fish and its message to their school of fish.
Go fish!
Test your fishing knowledge.
Their fish are fed throughout the day You might be lucky enough to see them feeding while you are visiting. Entry fees apply.
Booked events outside the MFDC
Wear sturdy shoes that can get wet (no thongs, please), bring a jacket and be SunSmart. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Hooked – family fishing trip
Join Marine Discovery Centre on a boat on the bay and learn about fishing practices that are fun and sustainable. Suitable for people 8 years and over – $10 per person.
You must have a Victorian Recreational Fishing Licence (unless you are exempt)
Marine biology cruise
Join Marine Discovery Centre on a boat on the bay and learn about how Port Phillip supports an amazing diversity of life. Suitable for people 5 years and over – $10 per person.
Be lured onto or into the bays $10 per person.
Shore snorkel
Suitable for ages 8 and up. Explore the shallow rocky reefs of Queenscliff. All gear provided.
Canoe explorers
Suitable for ages 12 and up. Canoe over the seagrass meadows in Swan Bay to explore this amazing fish nursery.
Rockpool ramble
Which curios creatures make the rockpools their home? – $5 per person
Swan Bay discovery
Explore the mudflats in Swan Bay – an important fish nursery – $5 per person.
Beach discovery
What has the tide brought in? – $5 per person.
For booked events outside the MFDC
Phone 5258 3344 and press 4 to leave a message.
I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.