Fishing Report – October 18, 2018

October 18, 2018 BY

Rob Ballantyne with a nice snapper measuring 34 centimetres and weighing more than one kilogram.


» Salmon continue to be caught off local beaches
» A few pinkies being caught
» A few whiting are still being caught.


» A few snapper and pinkies are being reported offshore
» Some good gummy sharks being reported offshore
» Still a few whiting and trevally in the river
» A few salmon being caught off the beaches.


» Reports of a few King George whiting in close
» Pinkie and snapper reports are being received when fishos get out
» Flathead offshore have been reported in deeper water
» Still reports of salmon off local beaches
» Bream as usual in Spring Creek.

Remember Torquay Tackle and Sports. For all the best available advice in Torquay on tackle and bait, drop in and see Ross or Josh. They will do their best to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available. Phone 5264 8207.


» St Leonards has King George whiting, flathead and squid are still on the go
» Clifton Springs continues to see reports of a few whiting, pinkies, flathead and squid
» A few whiting, flathead and squid being caught have been reported off Queenscliff as well as a few snapper
» Reports from the creek still consist of a few trevally and salmon
» Swan Bay is still said to be producing squid and whiting
» Point Lonsdale still has reports of trevally, salmon and snapper
» The White Lady is still seeing whiting and squid
» Indented Head sees flathead and King George whiting catches as well a few reports of squid occurring.

Waterways protected

THE state Labor government has announced a new body to protect and improve the Barwon River.

Minister for Water and Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville joined Member for Geelong Christine Couzens at the South Geelong Rowing Precinct to announce the new Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) for the Barwon, Moorabool and associated waterways.

The MAC will develop recommendations for the Minister for Water and Minister for Planning in 12 months to develop a community vision for the river, associated waterways and their landscapes – building on recent community engagement and focusing Aboriginal cultural heritage and recreation, among other priorities.

The MAC will be led by independent Chair, Christine Forster – who has significant experience in natural resource management – to oversee governance and engagement processes that support the plan over the next 18 months.

In addition, the Labor government will improve visitor facilities and recreational access to the iconic Barwon River, as part of a new initiative to improve the health of the river.

In partnership with the Victorian Fisheries Authority and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, $480,000 will fund the building of all-ability platforms for fishing, paddling, pet-swimming and small boat access through various sites of the Geelong section of Barwon River.

The river was selected as one of nine priority areas receiving funding as part of the Labor government’s $3.2 million Boosting Recreational Water Use Initiative to protect and enhance waterways across Victoria.

The Barwon MAC process announcement mirrors the announcement made in August to develop a Waterways of the West Action Plan for the urban rivers in the west of Melbourne.

The Labor government’s Water for Victoria policy recognises the connection that communities, Traditional Owners and other Aboriginal Victorians have to waterways and their landscapes.

The project will also improve fishing access to the Barwon River as part of the Labor Government’s Target One Million commitment to get more people fishing, more often.

More information about the Ministerial Advisory Committee and Barwon River Action Plan is available at

Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time over summer please call the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 34 74).


I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name.

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