From The Mat – May 09, 2019

May 9, 2019 BY

The Anglesea Bowling Club held its Annual General Meeting on April 27th and, as well as considering reports reflecting a highly successful 2018-19 year, elected a new Life Member. Lew Wilson – one of the Club’s outstanding volunteers – is also one of the most accomplished bowlers in the Geelong Bowls Region and the Club was delighted to have him join a distinguished group of life members.

The Club elected several new office bearers: Ian Bruce (President), Ben Coyle (Vice-President), Dot Winchester (Director) and Leon Wilson (Director). Along with Trish Bodman (Secretary), Stephen Ross (Treasurer), Noel Johns, Deb Clancy and Gerard Morrison (Directors), they comprise the Board of Management of the Club.

Additionally, the Club has decided to proceed with a project to resurface its ageing “B” Green.

Bowls continues in the off-season, with some good turnouts on Monday and Saturday social bowls.

Congratulations to recent social bowls winners: Lea Quail, Graham Marks, Stephen Ross, Sandy Keet, Kevin Ingwersen and Geoff Lydom. Members are assured that the Club will continue with the usual social evenings on Friday nights. The food services will cease during the off-season, however on the last Friday May, June, July and August, a special function with meals will be organised with a Members Draw included which members need to be present to win.

Anyone wanting to try bowls is most welcome to contact the Club.

Regular Bowls: Mondays (12.30pm) and Saturdays (1.00pm). Match is open for entries on the day until 11.00am by noticeboard entry, phone or email.

Casual Bowls: Open for members anytime; public bookings welcome.

Friday Social: Afternoon Practice. Happy Hour, Raffle, Members Draw and Meals from 5pm.

(03) 5263 1229 (follow the prompts – leave a message), [email protected] or PO Box 52 Anglesea 3230.

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