From The Mat – December 14, 2017

December 18, 2017 BY

KEITH Hornibrook, Ian Winchester and Ben Coyle took out round three of the Sovereign Financial Jackpot Monday, with the leader board now opening up for several contenders. Round four will be played on Monday 8 January 2018.

The 21st annual Triples for Triers 2018, and entries for this popular community bowls competition are filling fast. Entry forms can still be obtained at the Anglesea Community Bendigo Bank, which sponsors the event.

A reminder that the Invitation Triples event scheduled for February has been cancelled, and that the Masters Pairs tournament usually held in December has been rescheduled to Wednesday February 28.

Club members and supporters are reminded to keep Sunday December 17 free for the annual Christmas break-up – sponsored this year by Jocelyn and the late Don Aitken.

Finals of the Great Ocean Properties Twilight Social League were to be played this Wednesday, with the several major contests to take place for trophies. Woodstone and Kev, Trev and the Golfer will contest for top spot.

Construction of the new club rooms is progressing well, the building is now taking shape, and the March finish date is still on schedule.

Well done to recent social day winners Dick McDonald, Ray Murphy, Mathew Stone, Keith Hornibrook, Dave Campbell, Des Clancy and Sue Britnell.


Anyone wanting to try bowls is most welcome to contact the club.

Twilight Social League: Wednesdays from 6.00pm sponsored by Great Ocean Properties.

Regular Bowls: Mondays (12.30pm) and Saturdays (12.30pm). Match is open for entries on the day until 11am by phone or email.

Casual Bowls: Open for members anytime; public bookings welcome.

Friday Social: Afternoon Roll-up and Pennant Practice. Happy Hour from 5pm. Raffle and Members Draw.


5263 1229, 0499 856 613, [email protected] or PO Box 52, Anglesea, 3230.

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