From The Mat – March 22, 2018

March 21, 2018 BY

OUR Division 3 Pennant side had a narrow loss to Geelong RSL in the qualifying final and will meet St Leonards in the semi-final. Pennant finals have been delayed due to total fire bans. Those matches are now expected to be completed this weekend.

Congratulations to Club Champion Rob Miner who continued a stellar season winning the Men’s 100 Up title.

Starting with Anniversary Day Triples on Easter Monday, April offers plenty of feature and charity events for members and visitors. The last round of the Sovereign Financial Jackpot Mondays will be played on 16 April, and an exciting finish is expected as the lead team of Jill Wilson, Keith Hogan and Alan Newton fend off several close contenders.

A big turnout for the Len Christie Memorial Day saw Ada Kuik, Sue Rolls, George Schulze and Valerie Dripps take the honours. Congratulations to the Saturday social match winning team of Rick Sheehan, Mat Stone and Val Dripps.

The new club rooms are taking shape and preparations for occupation are underway. Meanwhile there are still enjoyable evenings to be had at our temporary clubrooms thanks to our social committee. This Friday at 6pm the Members Draw is a record $250, but members must be there to win it!


Anyone wanting to try bowls is most welcome to contact the Club.

Regular Bowls: Mondays (12.30pm) and Saturdays (12.30pm). Match is open for entries on the day until 11.00am by noticeboard entry, phone or email.

Casual Bowls: Open for members anytime; public bookings welcome.

Friday Social: Afternoon Roll-up and Pennant Practice. Happy Hour from 5pm. Raffle and Members Draw.


5263 1229, 0499 856 613, [email protected] or PO Box 52 Anglesea 3230.

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