My Big Catch: More waters for boating and fishing in central Victoria

August 22, 2019 BY

Robert Riddet with a nice brown trout caught from Lake Fyans earlier this year.

Four more lakes in central Victoria are now open to recreational fishers in canoes, kayaks and boats with electric motors, thanks to the state government’s plan to get more people fishing, more often.

Minister for Fishing and Boating Jaala Pulford joined fishers, paddlers and small boat owners near Kyneton to open on-water access for the first time to Upper Coliban, Malmsbury and Lauriston reservoirs, and Hepburn Lagoon.

The opening of these four waters by Coliban Water and Goulburn Murray Water complements similar on-water access expansion at Barkers Creek and Tullaroop reservoirs in April and May this year.

For decades, Hepburn Lagoon and the three Kyneton reservoirs have been stocked with trout for freshwater fishers, supported by their fishing licence fees. Fishers can now get on the water with fly, bait or lure, to make the very most of these scenic fisheries from small watercraft.

All three Kyneton reservoirs were stocked with nearly 110,000 native fish fingerlings last summer to encourage more people to get out and cast a line.

Upper Coliban Reservoir received 25,000 golden perch fingerlings and Malmsbury 30,000 last summer, in addition to annual releases of trout grown at Fisheries’ Snobs Creek hatchery, near Eildon.

Lauriston Reservoir received 25,000 golden perch and nearly 30,000 Murray cod while Hepburn Lagoon will remain a stocked trout fishery given its fantastic reputation as a productive cool-water destination.

Plans are also underway to build boat ramps at Upper Coliban and Lauriston reservoirs over the next 12 months, making it even easier to enjoy a great day on the water.

Learn more at


Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time, phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).


Club Corner

If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here



I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.



  • Fishing conditions are still extremely poor due to the bad weather
  • Salmon off local beaches
  • Some flathead have also been reported
  • A few Gummy sharks are still around


Barwon Heads

  • A few snapper are still being reported occasionally when fishos can venture out
  • Some small trevally have been reported in the river
  • Salmon off the beaches are still being caught.



  • A few King George Whiting are still expected in close
  • Past reports still indicate flathead offshore when fishos can get out
  • Some salmon catches are still occurring off beaches when fishos venture out
  • Bream in Spring Creek still to be caught.



  • St Leonards reports a few King George whiting, with flathead and squid
  • Clifton Springs has reports of a few whiting, as well as some flathead and squid
  • Queenscliff is still seeing whiting, flathead, pinkies as well as some squid being caught
  • The creek occasional reports of small trevally and salmon
  • The entrance to Swan Bay is still seeing reports of a few squid and whiting.
  • The reports from Point Lonsdale have been of both trevally and salmon
  • The White Lady continues to produce a few whiting and squid.
  • Indented Head has reports of flathead, King George whiting and squid still being caught.

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