My Big Catch September 29: New initiative for angling clubs

October 1, 2022 BY

LAAC committee member Jim Rothel with a huge large mouth nannygai he caught recently up in the Whitsundays. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Victorian Fishing Authority (VFA) have launched an exciting initiative they are eager to share and would love to have as many angling clubs as possible on board to give it a go.

As part of the Fishing for All initiative, the VFA have partnered with Leisure Networks who specialise in delivering inclusive culture programs to sporting and community organisations, to develop a program to encourage inclusive culture and diversity in angling clubs.

The purpose of the program is to equip angling clubs with the skills and resources to develop an action plan to make their club more inclusive to help grow and ensure the future of the clubs.

The program will consist of five workshops delivered over three months to participating angling club representatives to provide tips and resources on how to make their club more inclusive by creating safe, equal and respectful environments

Across the five workshops, each participating club will be guided to develop their own action plan specific to their needs that can be used to increase their member numbers and encourage inclusivity and diversity within the club.

Each of the five workshops will cover a different topic: managing change, leadership, understanding their club culture, growing your club membership and sustainable inclusiveness. Within each workshop, an element of the action plan would be prepared for the particular topic discussed.

The first workshop (introduction to governance and inclusion, and self-assessment) and last workshop (overview and action planning finalisation workshop) in the program would be face-to-face, with the middle three being virtual.

If you’re unable to attend the face-to-face sessions, we will be able to offer a virtual option. 1:1 support will be offered to clubs to keep on track, troubleshoot any issues they may have encountered and to help deliver on their action plans; this could include, but is not limited to, strategic support, committee support or helping to develop or deliver initiatives.

The program would begin in September they will work with the angling clubs to find a suitable date for the workshops – they plan to have all five workshops delivered across October and November.

To ensure the future of angling clubs and fishing, there needs to be more younger people joining the clubs. The initiatives that the VFA runs focuses on kids (Vic Fish Kids), all abilities (Fishing for all), women (WIRF) and CALD community (events delivered by Ed team).

There currently is no continuation and support for these groups after these events, so by offering an inclusive program to clubs they will be better equipped to deliver ongoing programs/sessions for these groups.

Another intended outcome for delivering an inclusive program is that they join a club to continue their fishing experience and in turn create a more inclusive culture at clubs and ensure the future of angling clubs and fishing.

The program is a great opportunity for clubs to learn how to grow their membership and support a culture that is welcoming to everyone.

If your club would like to take part in this program, register your interest by completing the link at

Anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing is urged to phone 13 FISH (13 34 74) any time.

Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location, and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch Email photos to: [email protected]



• Fishing remains ordinary
• The odd King George whiting is still being caught
• Flathead are far and few between
• A few small pinkie reports.

Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea

Barwon Heads:

• Reports are still average
• But a few tuna have been caught through the week
• Whiting reports remain scarce
• A few pinkies
• The river is in flood so no fish catches reported

Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling Club

St Leonards:

• A few whiting are being reported
• Some calamari are also being caught


• Reports remain stagnant
• Reports of some tuna out very wide but very much hit or mess
• Whiting reports are scarce
• A few salmon off local beaches
• Spring Creek has a few small bream

Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling Club

Bay Area:

• Clifton Springs is still reporting a few calamari, some flathead and a few whiting
• Queenscliff reports a few whiting and flathead
• The Creek is still seeing a few trevally
• Swan Bay reports the odd flathead and whiting
• The White Lady is producing reports of some calamari as well as King George whiting
• Indented Heads reports just a few King George whiting.


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