My Big Catch: A timely reminder

May 28, 2020 BY

Gabrielle Deiana with a small school shark she caught while fishing with her dad. The shark was released back into the water after the snap was taken.

DUE to the recent drowning tragedy of a fisher at Point Roadknight, I feel it may be a relevant time to remind all those fishers who go rock fishing of the following advice from Fisheries Victoria
Rock fishing can be a dangerous sport if you’re not well prepared.
On average, eight people per year die while rock fishing. Fisheries wants to change that.
The safety tips below are simple but can make all the difference when you’re next out rock fishing.

Use the right gear

  • Always wear a life jacket
  • Wear shoes with non-slip soles
  • Wear light clothing
  • Carry a mobile phone, rope and float with you.
  • Always have back up
  • Never fish alone – always fish with a group of friends
  • Tell someone where you are and when you will be back
  • If your plans change, let someone know.

Know the conditions

  • Know the tide and weather by checking the Bureau of Meteorology website before going fishing
  • Watch the water before going fishing to work out the current conditions you’re facing
  • Ask locals for advice on fishing certain areas
  • If conditions worsen, find a calmer, sheltered spot – or go home
  • Plan an escape route in case you are washed in
  • Never turn your back on the sea.


  • If you’re swept in, don’t panic – stay calm and swim away from the rocks
  • Do not jump in if someone is washed into the water
  • Dial 000 or 112 on your mobile phone or go get help
  • Use a rope or something that floats to rescue the person
  • If there’s an angel ring (life ring or life buoy) nearby, know how to use it.

Remember, if you want to have your say on our fishing infrastructure, the survey closes on Wednesday, June 3.
Do you have a favourite spot you like to launch your boat that needs improving? Is your boat ramp in disrepair? Are more lanes required? How about parking, lighting, or other facilities? Here’s your chance to have your say.
The Victorian Government needs your help to improve how recreational boating infrastructure is managed. Under Better Boating Victoria, a review of boating infrastructure is under way across regional Victoria.
To help the government better understand the issues faced by recreational boat users in regional Victoria so that management is responsive to user needs, please complete the survey at


Still a few pinkies are being caught
Gummy shark reports are few and far between
The occasional flathead is still around
Whiting are still around but weather conditions having an impact on catches
Reports of some good schools of salmon around.
Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea

Barwon Heads
There are still reports of a few snapper
Flathead are still around
The river reports some mullet and trevally
Salmon catches off local beaches have also been reported
Squid are still being caught
Some mackerel have also been reported.
Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling Club

Still reports of whiting being caught
Some pinkies have also been reported
The occasional flathead reports have also been received
Snapper reports are few
Salmon are being caught off local beaches
Spring Creek reports some small bream.
Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling Club

St Leonards has King George whiting, flathead, squid, as well as a few snapper still being reported
Clifton Springs reports snapper, whiting, calamari, some gummy shark and flathead reported
Queenscliff is still seeing whiting, trevally, flathead, and a good number of squid
The Creek reports some trevally and salmon
Swan Bay reports calamari and whiting at the mouth as well as some flathead
Point Lonsdale is still seeing reports of salmon, trevally, whiting and snapper
The White Lady continues to produce whiting, calamari, and snapper
Indented Head still seeing flathead, King George whiting and snapper as well as a few calamari.

I would also like to remind everyone also to keep those photos coming in of your own big catch! We will now even take older photos of your big catch previously if they have not yet been published. Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch. Email photos to [email protected].

Fishing Club Corner
If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, just email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

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